Transformy Robot Thingy (T.R.T.) in Minecraft (Java)
by MomotheWiz in Living > Video Games
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Transformy Robot Thingy (T.R.T.) in Minecraft (Java)

This is how to make yourself a T.R.T. in Minecraft. this T.R.T, a drone that turns into a Mini submarine, equipped with a positive effect ray and a negative effect launcher, will need the following.
Creative Mode
Crafting Table
1-2 of any different colored dyes (I used Red and Black)
Leather Tunic
Positive effect splash/lingering potion (I used healing)
Negative effect splash/lingering potion (I used harming)
To put a glass block on your head, do this command: /replaceitem entity @s armor.head glass
A glass block should show up on your head. Do NOT take this off, you will not be able to put it back on.
In this step, you will need the Dye(s), Crafting Table, and leather tunic. Place down the Crafting table, and put in one dye and the tunic. They should come out as a dyed leather tunic. Then, (skip if only using one dye) craft the same thing, but with the other dye. You should have a two-color dyed leather tunic. Put this on.
Grab your splash potions, and put the negative one in your offhand, and the positive one in your main hand. Now, you should be able to press F to switch between positive and negative effects.
Vision, Propelling, and Invisibility
Do these commands:
/effect give @s dolphins_grace 1000000 5 true
/effect give @s conduit_power 1000000 5 true
/effect give @s invisibility 1000000 123 true

The pictures above are the two different modes. the underwater one is swimming underwater (Ctrl+W) the on land one is WASD. to switch weapons is F. Right-click to use the current weapon
Positive: Heal your teammates
Negative: Attack your enemies
the shoulders of the tunic look like propellers, and the stop swimming animation looks like transforming.
Thanks for getting to the end of this Instructable!!! -Momowuztaken/momo_the_wizard/Momo_the_Wiz