Transformers Lightup Sign
Hello, my name is Alan and this in my first Instructables.
This year I decided to make everyone's present for christmas.
So here is the Transformers Decepticon logo I made for my cousin.
I did not intend on posting this up on Instructables when i made this. Also I did not work from any plans for this build, so some infomation, measurments, and pictures will not be here. But any questions are all welcome.
Also please view everything before trying to build yourself, as i maynot have explained clearly.
Lets get started.
It measures in at about 180mm high and 130mm wide (at the widest point)
Materials / Tools
- Frosted A5, 5mm thick Plexiglass. (If you can only get clear, then use a power sander on it using coarse sandpaper)
- 100mm x 200mm x 6mm sheet of Aluminum
- 5v USB powered LED strip. (Colour is upto you)
- Some wood for the stand. Roughly 200mm x 150mm. (Thickness for me was about 50mm) But if made again, i would probably make it out of 10mm thick sheets instead of a block of wood.
- Wood glue
- 2 Part Epoxy glue
- Silicone gel
- Spray Glue
- Drill
- Jigsaw
- Files
- Table Saw
- Power Sander
- First you need to design or find the logo you want, and print it to the correct size you would like. It does not need any detail, just a clear outline.
- Glue the logo directly onto the aluminum sheet using some spray glue.
- Start with the eye's. I used a jigsaw for nice clean edges. If you wish to use a jigsaw, you will first need to drill some holes big enough to fit your jigsaw blade through.
- If needed, use some small files to clean it up afterwards.
- Take your time.
- Once the eye's have been cut out, you can use the jigsaw to cut out the rest. And as aluminum is a soft metal, your jigsaw with cut through it like butter.
- After all pieces are cut out, use some hand files and sandpaper to smooth out or add any detail the the design.
Wooden Case
- The wood had roughly 10mm of space all round the aluminum (apart from the bottom part of the logo)
- I then used the jigsaw again to cut out the shape.
- Which was then cleaned up with sandpaper.
Wooden Case
This step could be done before the previous step. As i was planning it all out as I went along, things could prob be done quicker and easier.
- I cut a strip off the front measuring 10mm thick. This would be the front of the case.
- I then cut another 2 strips measuring 10mm thick, These would the middle layer, and back of the case (No photo's sorry)
- As i now have 3 stips of wood all 10mm thick, you can see why i should have brought a 10mm sheet of wood in the first place. Live and learn i guess
- After cutting your strips. Take the front and middle layer and with the mighty jigsaw again. Carefully cut the centre out. When cutting out the hole, I left about a 2mm gap between the aluminum logo and wood for the light to shine through. Was roughly 8mm of wood around the outside.
Wooden Case
- For cutting out the Plexiglass, just trace the outside of one of the wooden parts.
- when cutting Plexiglass, use a handsaw. You can use a jigsaw, but the heat from the sawblade will fuse the plexiglass back together. Very frustrating.
- You should now have four sections. Front, Plexiglass Middle, Wooden Middle, Back
Wooden Case
- When sandwiched together it should look like this.
- Clamp together everything and sand down the sides so everything is smooth.
- You can glue the Bottom layer, and Wooden Middle layer together with wood glue.
- You can also glue on the Aluminum to the Plexiglass using the 2 part epoxy.
- After gluing the Back and Wooden Layer together, you can paint it black and add the USB LED's.
- You will need to drill a hole in the back for the wires to feed through.
- I then helped secure them in place using clear silicone sealant.
Attaching the Face
- Once the LED's were in place and secure, I glued on the plexiglass/Aluminum to the wood using some more 2 Part Epoxy.
- Once Done, I painted the wooden front part black and glued it on top of the Plexiglass with more 2 Part Epoxy.
- When doing this, turn on the LED's to make sure you have aligned the face on with an equal gap of light around the aluminum.
- Once that is done, add a base and tidy up any bits that need it.
- Turn off the lights and plug in.
Again, sorry for any missing info or pictures.