Trailer Mudguards / Fenders

This is rather more of a recycling idea than a true Instructable.
We dispose of more washing machine parts than we would like, mainly because new machines are so cheap. Replacement parts and labour often add-up to more than the cost of a new machine. This is especially the case with the modern machines with plastic tubs, which can be damaged or punctured by something as simple as a coin inside the machine. The motors, electronics and metal parts can be recycled or re-used, but the plastic tubs are not generally recyclable, being glass-filled polypropylene. I was disposing of one the other day and, on a whim, cut it in half. The resulting items would make ideal plastic mud-guards or fenders for a trailer or utility vehicle. Getting a matching pair by using two shouldn't be beyond the wit of man, since most washing machine repair shops are happy to give these large items away rather than pay for disposal. Lugs for attachment with screws or bolts are already moulded into the plastic and, being plastic, they will be immune to corrosion. If only a few of these get re-purposed instead of going to landfill, it will be welcome. The only down-side is that special flexible (bumper) paint will be required to stick to this plastic, should you wish to guild the lily.....