Wooden Tooth Carving

I Carved a wooden tooth (maxillary molar) for my Dentist.
I just started carving and thought I would try a tooth.
I decided on a molar and carved it from a limb of an Ash tree
I had recently cut down In my yard.
It came out fairly well so I gave it as a gift to my Dentist.

Pocket knife.
Whetstone for sharpening.
Small limb from Ash tree.
Basic Shaping

Carving a small limb to a basic shape.
I was sharpening my knife regularly with a Whetstone.
Tooth and Roots

Carving roots and detailing tooth.
It was alot of tedious work carving
between the roots.
Surface Detailing

Detailing roots and occlusal suface.
I got detailed dental sketches online.
Finish Detailing

Finish the detailing. Note labeling of base.
B = Buccal, L = Lingual, D = Distal and M = Mesial.

Sanded, waxed and done.
I used a toothbrush to apply wax.