Tooth Brush Holder

by thompsonp in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Tooth Brush Holder

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A tooth brush holder is a really important to your bathroom. They are good for your bathroom's decoration and you will never loose your toothbrush ever again.


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3D Printer, 3D print Filament, A Tinkercad modal

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For the first step you want to load up Tinkercad and create a new 3D design and create your first protype

Next you are going to take the first prototype and go to you client and ask them what they want different and what they want the same.

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Next your going to want to make a second prototype and you want to incorporate all of the feedback that you client gave you.

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Last you are going to want to print out your second prototype using a 3d printer. Once it is done printing give it to your client and watch them smile.