Tool to Repoint Brick Work.

by Rolts in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Tool to Repoint Brick Work.

An easier way to repair fretting mortar joints in brick walls.

Materials and Tools Required

195mm length of 48mm diameter PVC pipe
end cap for the PVC pipe
unused nozzle from a tube of caulking material
caulking gun

hack saw
fine file
power drill
assorted drill bits
ream or conical grinding stone
utility knife

Caution: mortar is a caustic material, so use appropriate gloves to protect your hands.


1. Measure and mark a 195mm section of PVC pipe.
2. Clamp the PVC pipe and using a fine toothed saw or a multi-tool with cutting blade, cut to length.
3. Use a fine file to remove any burrs from the cut surface.


1. Clamp the PVC end cap so as to allow you to drill a hole in the centre of the cap. Some caps have a small dimple or indentation in the centre from manufacture to enable you to find the centre.
2. Drill a small pilot hole.
3. Use increasing drill sizes to enlarge the hole to 16mm diameter.
4. You may need to use a conical grinding stone or a ream to enlarge the hole to the size to accommodate the nozzle. If so, check the size of the hole regularly. It's easier to enlarge the hole than it is to reduce it!


1. Insert the caulking nozzle into the hole drilled through the end cap, from the inside. This is a force fit and may require tapping into a final position using a piece of timber.
2. Fit the cap on one end of the PVC pipe section. Again this is a force fit and you may need to gently tap it into position.
3. Trim the end from the caulking nozzle, using an utility knife. The opening needs to be approximately 8 to 10mm.


You have constructed a custom caulking gun cartridge. This can be used to apply mortar to brick work where it has fretted away.

1. Make a wet mortar mix, about the consistency of yoghurt.
2. Spoon or trowel the mix into the tube until it is approximately 2/3s full. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands from the caustic mortar.
3. Fit to a caulking gun.
4. Position in the mortar course at an angle of approximately 45o to the mortar .
5. Squeeze the trigger and move steadily along the mortar course, leaving a bead of mortar. Leave for a few minutes for the brickwork to absorb some of the moisture.
6. After awhile the mortar will cease flowing as the moisture is forced from the mix, simply remove the mortar cartridge and tap it to remove the remaining mix. Return this to your mortar mix, stir back into the mix, adding a little more water if necessary.
7. Refill the cartridge, continue.
8. Use a pointing tool to dress the mortar joint.
9. Clean brick work of any splashes using a piece of dampened hessian sacking.
10. To clean the cartridge, tap out any remaining mortar, soak in a container of water, rinse, leave to dry.