Toner Images on Leather

As an amatuer watchsmith and leatherworker, I am constantly making my own watch straps. I love to make unique straps, but I can't afford my own laser cutter/embosser. I wanted to find an inexpensive way to transfer printed images to the leather without damaging it. I noticed that laser printers do not melt the toner into the paper, but mainly congeal it onto the surface. With this in mind, I wondered if I could reheat the toner images and then transfer them on to another media (like leather).

The tools are fairly simple and easy to source. I purchased a pyro woodburning kit from a local hobby shop. The kit features a branding iron and several tips. The tip that works the best looks like a little flat shovel with a point at the end.
Since the kit is made for burning wood, it could produce too much heat for leather. I used a cheap light dimming cord so I could control how much power goes to the iron. I found setting the dimmer at halfway gives me the right amount of heat.
I also use a thick leather for these designs because it can tolerate more heat.
Prepare Your Image

Next, print out your images using a laser printer. I try to blacken the image as much as possible and use the photo quality setting. You want the printer to use as much toner as possible on the image. If you are printing text, you need to reverse it, so it will transfer correctly. Use the "mirror image" function of the printing program.
After you print the image, cut it out so you can easily position it on the leather.
Transfer Image

Next, attach the image to the leather with tape. You don't want the image to move, but you still need to lift it to check the transfer. I tape down one side, so I can look underneath.
Using the flat shovel tip on the branding iron, I make small circles on the image. Make sure you don't hold the tip in one place too long or the leather will burn and curl. Use test leather until you learn how much heat to use. Make sure to control the temperature of the iron by using the dimmer cord.
Once you have transferred the image successfully, you can remove the tape, finish the project and add a coat of leather protectant.
Photos of Finished Straps

I have used this technique for images and text. The toner image seems to be durable and waterproof under normal use. It will stay on the leather until something rough scrapes it off. In the future, I hope to purchase a laser cutter, so I can emboss and cut my straps more accurately. I also want to use a laser cutter to create my own watch dials.
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