Toner Transfer Method PCB

by kobyx in Circuits > Electronics

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Toner Transfer Method PCB



In this instructable I will show you a DIY method of making PCB using toner transfer method.

Detailed instructions can be found also in

Visit my Youtube channnels : Electro_Magic ; Practical Tips ; Delphi practical school

The most important thing is to have good print , done with good quality toner on some glossy paper.
We also need nail polish remover ( acetone ).

I also tried lacquer thinner, but it is too strong and results are poor, so nail polish remover is recommended.

Please check following video for details, and I will show you also few steps in following points.

Prepare the Copper Clad


As a first step we cut copper clad to a needed size, using coping saw.

To prepare copper clad for toner transfer, we use fine grain sandpaper to remove any oxidation , than clean it with paper tissue.

Than we use contact cleaner or acetone to clean any grease.

Stick Paper to Copper Clad


Using adhesive tape we stick paper with the print to the copper clad.

Printed side must be turned to the copper side, and fastened with adhesive tape, to secure it from moving during the process.

Applying Nail Polish Remover


In this step we use nail polish remover, take a small amount and spread it evenly on the surface of the copper plate.

If it dries to fast, feel free to add little more ( check the video ).

Removing the Paper


Ten minutes or so after, we can start to remove paper very slowly.

Just be careful not to damage toner traces left on the copper.

After we removed first layer of paper we put board into the water, and slowly rubbing we remove the rest of the paper.
This rubbing should be done VERY carefully, so we do not damage toner traces.

Final Result


And in the end , the result is very satisfactory.

As you can see, sometimes some traces are not perfect.

In this case you can use alcohol marker to draw those damaged,missing traces.

Next step will be to do the etching, which could be done with HCL and hydrogen peroxide.