Toaster Alarm

by jacksonbrady1111 in Circuits > Arduino

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Toaster Alarm


For this project, I created an alarm to be used with a toaster! The purpose of this design is to alert someone when their food is done cooking. I was able to accomplish this using popsicle sticks, cardboard, hot glue, the Adafruit Circuit Playground kit, and Adafruit block coding.



To create this project, as listed above, I used a toaster, popsicle sticks, hot glue, the Adafruit Circuit Playground, and the Adafruit Block Coding software.

Preparation and Supplies


The first step I took to this project was creating a blueprint for it as part of an assignment. This way I was able to visualize not only the final product, but what supplies and resources I would need to complete it. After this, I purchased my toaster at Deseret Industries for $5 in Salt Lake. Then during class, I was able to obtain supplies such as cardboard, popsicle sticks, and the hot glue.

Coding and User Testing


Through the Adafruit block coding software, I was able to create a sequence for the alarm. First, I coded two inputs (as seen in the above picture of the code):

1. When activated, it would display a "loading" animation to let the user know their food was cooking in the toaster. This was accomplished by letting the code know that when button B (an input) was pressed, it would activate the loading animation

2. This was activated when the user pushes the "cancel" button on the toaster, activating the alarm sequence. This also includes sound and lights to alert the user. This same sequence of input 2 occurs when the toaster pops up on its own, letter the user know their food is done cooking. This was coded by having a light and music note play in sequenced timing when the input was activated.

Linked below are the "cooking" animation and "pop-up" animation of the circuit board when inputs are applied. Also linked is the feedback rationale I complete for the user feedback assignment.

As part of an additional assignment, I was able to present my blueprint and idea to classmates and friends to receive feedback on possible issues, parts of it they liked, or suggestions they had. This was helpful feedback, and I used a lot of it when continuing on the project.

Applying the Blueprint, and Creating the Toaster Alarm!


This step was the most entertaining part of the creation process, because I got to make my blueprint come to life. In the design lab on campus, I had the resources to make it happen. The process included cutting and gluing popsicle sticks together to 1. Create "scaffolding" or a frame for the conductive tape/wire used to activate the inputs, 2. Create an activator on the toaster handle to activate the inputs, and 3. a little pouch/container on the side of the toaster to hold the circuit board so that the user will be able to easily see the light animations, and hear the alarm.

One can design these however they would like. I just found that this was the best way to do it to fit the toaster and circuitboard I had.

Finished Project

Toaster Alarm

Linked above is the video I submitted for the final product! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the project entirely due to complications with connecting the handle input to the circuit board, but I was able to display what was supposed to occur by utilizing buttons built into the circuit board (buttons "A" and "B"). I was also able to present this project to my class, friends, and others who showed up to an in-class expo of my class's creations!

I had a lot of fun creating this project, and I hope to finish it and possibly apply it to market in the future!