To Get Start With STM32 Black Pill and STM Cube IDE to Blink External Connected LED Using HAL Programming.

by taniya_4561 in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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To Get Start With STM32 Black Pill and STM Cube IDE to Blink External Connected LED Using HAL Programming.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 003812.png

Welcome to the tutorial of STM32CubeIDE to control the on-board LED of the STM32 Black Pill microcontroller. This guide is crafted to provide professionals with a clear walkthrough for engaging the LED, demonstrating the STM32 Black Pill's functionalities and the versatility of STM32CubeIDE. As we explore the essentials of embedded development, you will learn to configure your environment, understand the Black Pill's hardware specifics, and write effective code to manage the LED.


To start with the embedded programming, the following equipment and software installations are essential:

1. A laptop or desktop computer equipped with STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeProgrammer.

2. An STM32 Black Pill development board.

3. A compatible USB cable for connection and programming purposes.

Open STM32CubeIDE

Screenshot 2024-05-07 000544.png

GOTO---->> File>New>STM32 Project

Step 2: ADD Configurations ToYour STM32Board

Search For Component- STM32F401CEY6TR 

Step 3: Configuration of Stm32 Bord

Configure Your Board As Shown

Step 4: Configure Your Clock

Configure your clock as shown

Step 5: Open Main.c File

GOTO--->>>>Project and find main.c file

Step 6: Goto While(1) in Main() and Add Your Code





Step 7: Debug

Open and Click On Debug(1)

Step 8: Copy Path of .elf File Generated

Right click on Project and click on show in system explorer and copy the path

Step 9: Open STMCubeProgrammer and Connect your STM32Board Via USB

Step 10: Click on Open File and Paste the Copied Path

Step 11: Go to Download Options (Found in Toolbar on the Left)

Step 12: Change Download Options and Click on "Start Automatic Mode"

Step 13:Results