Tips for Making Modern Houses in Minecraft: Exterior

by Panda_Creeper12 in Living > Video Games

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Tips for Making Modern Houses in Minecraft: Exterior


I have some exciting news! I have officially changed my Minecraft username! I am now Panda_Creeper12! If you would like an Instructable in how to do this tell me in the comments! So now lets get started! This is a modern house I designed myself, and in this Instructable I will be giving some tips on how to make one! **NOTE THIS IS NOT A FULL TUTORIAL! PLEASE DO NOT HATE! I WARNED YOU!** If you would like to see a full tutorial please tell me in the comments!

The texture pack I am using is Flows HD. There will be a link below.

I also have a world download link below. (not all the houses were made my be only the one in this ible and the one next to it unfortunately i can't find the links to link the creators. Sorry!)

Also be sure to check out part two the interior here.

Flows HD 1.8

World Download

The Hedge


So I think that a hedge/fence is important to any modern build. It gives it a look of being neat and refined.



Along with the fence, a gate is important to have this one is very simple, and matches the look of the house.



Another thing that is important is something abstract. Like this. it needs to be abstract but also, have some flow. Don't make it jut out randomly.



In my opinion all modern houses have to have a pool, pond, creek, of some other form of water.

The Deck


Another important thing is a deck of outside area. this gives a nice feel of openness and adds a great view