Tiny Tree House

by tinyIDs in Craft > Reuse

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Tiny Tree House


You've always wanted to have your own tree house, but never had enough space for it? You are looking for a creative way to decorate your indoor plants? Or you are a person who just likes to create miny things like me? Then this instructable is for you!

You just need a few everyday items, a steady hand and some time to create this tiny tree house. I hope you have fun making it!


You'll need

  • 5-6 wooden skewers
  • about 10 wooden tothpicks
  • 1-2 tongue depressors
  • wood stain OR instant coffee
  • some cotton thread
  • a small amount of adhesive putty


  • craft knife
  • fine sandpaper
  • wood glue
  • paintbrush
  • tweezers
  • cutting mat (optional)

Cut the Pieces


Using your craft knife cut the following pieces

from your skewers:

  • 2 x 3,0cm
  • 2 x 2,6cm
  • 4 x 2,4cm
  • 12 x 2,0cm
  • 1 x 1,2cm
  • 2 x 0,9cm
  • 4 x 0,8cm

from your tongue depressors:

  • 4 x 3cm

Smooth all cuts by lightly rubbing them over sandpaper.

Assemble the Walls

  1. For the side wall take the following skewer pieces:
    6 x 2,0cm;
    2 x 0,8cm.

    Assemble as shown in the first picture.

  2. Repeat for the second side wall.
  3. For the back wall take the following pieces:
  4. 1 x 3,0cm;
    2 x 2,6cm;
    2x 2,4cm.

    Assemble as shown in the second picture.

  5. For the front wall with the door take the following pieces:

    1 x 1,2cm;
    2 x 1,9cm;
    2 x 2,4cm.
    Assemble as shown in the second picture.

  6. Glue the "logs" together with wood glue. It is easiest to apply the glue with a piece of skewer. Wipe exess glue off before it dries. Let the walls dry thoroughly before you continue!
  7. Glue the walls together as shown in the third picture. The upright posts from the side walls form the corners of the house. You might want to use a box or tray with right angles to get everything straightened out (see fourth picture). Set aside to dry.

Make the Roof

  1. Take the pieces cut from the tongue depressors and score parallel lines into them with your craft knife. To resemble tiny wooden boards the lines should be about 0,1-0,2cm apart. Be careful not to cut through the wood.
  2. Apply wood stain to both sides with a paintbrush and let them dry. If you don't have wood stain you can also use instant coffee with a little bit of water as I did. Apply as man coats as you like until the color suits you. The wood might warp a little, but you can straighten it again by placing something heavy on top after the stain has dried. Also stain the last "log" piece (3cm).
  3. Glue two tongue depressor pieces onto your house to form a roof. Make sure the scored side faces outwards. (Put the other two pieces away for now.) Glue the stained log on the roof ridge. Let everything dry.
    The house is finished now! On to the platform.

Create the Platform

  1. Glue the remaining two pieces of tongue depressor together lengthwise and let dry. Be sure both the scored sides face up.
  2. Cut your toothpicks into 1,0cm-long pieces. You will need 10 for now, but more later. Sand the edges.
  3. Place 10 tiny glue dots around the edge of the platform along the two long and one short side. Place a toothpick piece on each dot with a tweezer and straighten it as shown in the second picture. Let dry really well, before you proceed.
  4. Place a glue dot on the outside top of each little "post" and run your thread through each of them. Let dry and repeat a second time a little bit lower (see pictures three and four).
  5. Cut an opening into the thread between the two center posts on the short side (across from where the door will be) and cut away any excess thread.
  6. Glue the house to the platform aligning the open side with the back wall. Let dry.

Add the Rope Ladder

  1. Decide how long you want your rope ladder to be. (Mine is 16,0cm.) Cut two pieces of thread a little longer than that.
  2. Stretch the pieces across your workspace so that they run parallel about 0,8cm to each other.
  3. Pick up the toothpick pieces one by one with your tweezers, dip them in glue and gently place them on the thread. The rungs of the ladder should be about 0,5cm apart.
  4. Before the glue dries fully lift the ladder off your surface and hang to dry.
  5. Once fully dried, glue one end of the ladder to your platform entrance and cut off the excess pieces of thread on both ends. You are now ready to place your house in its "tree".

Attach the House to Your Plant


If you have a plant with horizontal branches you can carefully attach your platform directly to one of them with a little bit of adhesive putty. If your plant has no suitable branches make a post out of three skewers and another small piece of tongue depressor. Attach the post to the platform with putty (as it might have to be renewed after a while) and stick the pointy end into the plant's soil.

Enjoy your tiny tree house!