Tiny Simple Running Robot_part_2
by David_Lin in Circuits > Arduino
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Tiny Simple Running Robot_part_2
2.AAA batt.
3. homemade,
4.electronic toy,
5. DIY .
aluminum-foil roller * 1
foam * 1
dc-motor * 1
AAA battery * 3
AAA battery holder * 1
3 v Li battery * 1
3 v battery holder * 1
Cotton swabs * 1
IR rcvr (arduino module) * 1
any IR remoter(arduino module as well)* 1
RY1 : Solid State Relay * 1
D1 : IN 60 * 1
C1 : 100 uF * 1
R1 : 2.2 M OHM * 1
PCB * 1
breadboard * 1
cutter * 1
soldering iron * 1
hot glue gun * 1
Schematic 1 : part 1 of running robot.
Schematic 2 : part 2 of running robot
Schematic 3 : detail of control circuit.
RY1 : Solid State Relay ,
D1 : IN 60 ,
C1 : 100 uF ,
R1 : 2.2 M OHM .
IR receiver
IR remoter
Cutout the Aluminum Foil Roller
use cutter to cut out a 10 cm small roller as the robot body.
Prototype Control Circuit With Breadboard
the SPEC of SSR input is 3v. Vmin=3v
so I use an old Li battery. Vbatt <= 2.8v.
to be the bais voltage for the SSR.
TIPs : since the SSR is only support one way "ON" or "OFF",
and the single dc-motor is chewing lots of current !
therefor the better controlling circuit is based on arduino's
multiple way(s) in order to control the servo motor(s)
and programable..
Soldering the Elements on the PCB
Maybe there are someone wondering
How does it work?
the IR remote emit the code out. ...and travel ....
and IR receiver get reception and output the waves.
the R1, C1, D1 construct a DET circuit.
therefor the waves after DET circuit become "HIGH" level.
Something like
Vin = 2.8 v + 0.5 v
Vin >= 3 v. Trigging the SSR
Therefor motor runs.
​Connect 2 Copper Wire From Motor to AAA Batt
connect 2 copper wire from motor to AAA battery holder.
and cut the red wire, and soldering to the SSR.
cut the foam into some slices.
fill the foam into the roller between battery.
fill the foam into the roller between SSR and PCB.
fill the foam into the roller between dc-motor.
left the IR RCVR at the roller edge.
Make the Power-crowbar
use cutter to cutout the crowbar, just cut 80%.
do not cut the cotton head off ! and then connect to the dc motor's shaft.