Tinkercad House

this little house is pretty simple and pretty realistic you can even put stuff in the inside of your tinkercad home its areally helpful tinkercad project for learners.
.tinkercad app
Step 1

chose the square and change the size to height 30, width 55, and length 40. Change the color if you want.
Step 2

creat the same square again. You can press ctrl+d to create another square that is the same.
Step 3

change the color of your square to hole. Change the size to 50 widths, 35 lengths, and leave hight the same, we are putting a roof on. put your smaller square into your main square and grab the squares it should look like there was an orange outline around your square and than press group which is the button in the top right corner. now you should have walls
Step 4

its time to make the door of the house. this is very similar to the last thing. start with making the shape of your door and like before press hole and group your house together.
Step 5

now add window its the exact same as installing the door but instead its windows. So if you have already changed the color to the hole you just need to add to your house by moving your window where you want it and press group.
Step 6

Now all you have to do is add the roof to your home there are2 different roof types you can choose whichever you want then make sure you have the right size for your house.