Tin Foil Basketball Game
this is my tutorial on how to make a basketball game out of tin foil.
tin foil
round stick
Gather the Materials
The Hoop
firstly use your tin foil and make a strip of tin foil by folding it together into quarters. Then roll it with the stick to make it curved. Next use your tape to stick the two sides together to make a loop.
The Holder Ring
next make another strip but this time fold your strip into 8th and make it shorter by 25 percent.
Connect Two Rings Together.
Now connect the rings together and make sure that the two rings are even at the back so the can be stusk onto the wall or hung on a hook.
The Ball
Now make a tin foil ball. To make it scrunch up some tin foil and try to make it spherical.
now hang it or stick the hoop to the wall.