Tin Flower Holder
What Inspired me?
If you have read a few of my other Instructables, I always say the same thing. I say I love using weird materials for projects where their practical/ physical features arnt really needed such as concrete and metal.
Another thing you might have noticed I up cycling is definitely a huge part my life. Seeing one thing that others title as rubbing and creating it into something beautiful and useful. This is going to save alot of lives in the future, not this exact project but like minded projects.
What will you need?
- A Tin (baked bean can)
- A pair of scissors
- Hot glue gun or super/fast drying glue
- String
- Flowers or something to put into the pot such as pencils
Cleaning the Tin
Step one - Cleaning the tin
When the contents has been removed, use warm soapy water to get rid of most of the liquid left on the sides. If you are finding it difficult you can use a sponge to remove the stains.
Remove the graphics around the tin using warm soapy water whilst scrapping it off using the sponge or brush.
I used some solvent cleaner to remove the sticky marks on and around the can as I didn't want any mucky marks appearing when completing the project.
Attaching the String
Step two - Attaching the string
Place the tin lying down and then dap a bit of hot glue to the lower section of the side (about 10mm above the base). Place the string on as soon as you can before the glue sets. When this is done make sure you have about a metre and a half of string untangled before moving to the next step.
Finishing the String
Step three - Finishing the string
Begin to add beads of hot glue as you begin to whined the string around the tins surface. Make sure you keep the string very tight as if it becomes slack, you wont get a good finish.
When you reach the top of the tin, use the scissors to cut the string off and then add a dot of hot glue to where the string will fall and then place the string on top. After a few seconds the glue will set and you have a finished product!
Adding the Contents
Step four - Adding the contents
WELL DONE! YOU ARE FINISHED!!! now its time to add what ever you want to the tin, be that flowers, plants, pencils or buttons. Its down to you. Feel free to add different thicknesses of string and different standard components such as buttons.
Thank you so much for reading my Instructable. Its not exactly what I normally do but I really did enjoy this one. Please follow and favourite for more Instructables like this!