Tiki Torch Bottle
Since the beginning of time, humankind has been connected to fire. And even though it's no longer a must for survival, having it around is a great reminder to be in the moment and to celebrate this life stuff. So I decided to make myself a way to have it any old time I wanted. May I introduce the Tiki Torch Bottle.
I could have just used the oil containers that came with torches, but I wanted to showcase the beautiful rich red of the oil I bought and help add even more color to the backyard.
This is a super quick and simple swap to make and I think the visual fun-ness of it makes it worth the effort.
Supply List

(x1) pack of six tiki torches (I got mine from Home Depot)
(x2) bottles of red lamp oil
(x12) fun colored 12" zip ties
(x6) empty Mike's Hard Lemonade bottles
small funnel
Snip Snip

Cut the straw ties and remove the original containers.
Some Borrowing

I was originally going to use small corks as tops for the bottles, but discovered that the screw caps from the containers the torches came with screwed right onto the threads of the Mike's Hard Lemonade bottles!! Easy peasy.
So just unscrew all the caps with their wicks from the containers and set them aside.
Fill 'er Up

Place the small funnel in one of the empty bottles and carefully fill it up with oil, making sure to stop pouring in time to have it not overflow.
Repeat with the remaining bottles.
Stick the Wick In

Take one of the caps with its wick and lower the wick into one of the full bottles.
Screw the lid on tightly. It won't go on quite straight, but this won't effect the functionality.
Repeat for the remaining bottles.
Put It in It's Place

Take one of the bamboo torches, spread out it's 'claws' and gently insert one of the bottles.
Zip It

Wrap a zip tie around the top, securing the bottle tightly in place. Repeat this closer to the bottom of the bottle. Move the nubby zip tie ends to the back of the bottle and trim off the tails.
Place, Light, Enjoy!

Stick the torches in the ground wherever you'd like to shed a little light and warm firelight ambiance. These are the perfect companions to my Backyard Tiki Bar project and to any and all summertime fun!