Tie Fighter Toy for Cats

by 25jewilliams in Craft > Printmaking

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Tie Fighter Toy for Cats


Inspo: I have a cat that loves to chase things. I thought of a toy that can be moved around for pets to smack around. Star Wars is one of my favorite series and I thought a tie fighter toy would be cool for my pet to have.


  • Tinkercad
  • Support Cleaning Apparatus
  • 3D Printer
  • Painting tools

Step One

step 1.JPG
  • I created the wings for the Tie Fighter
  • These will later allow the toy to roll

Step Two

step 2.JPG
  • Made holes in the wings to create a shape that is mobile

Step Three

step 3.JPG
  • Connect the two wings

Step Four

step 4.JPG
  • Add the cockpit in between wings

Step Five

  • Download STL file
  • 3D print
  • leave in solution
  • Final step is to paint

Step Six

  • Congratulations, this is the finished product