Third Dimensions SHELF

Hello. This project I try to design the shelf that looks like 2 dimensional, but it really is 3 dimensional shelf to go along with Red and Blue chair. The material for this project I used MDF 12 millimeters thickness and use Red and Blue are the main colors. The cutting the MDF is not difficult, but the spray paint all the colors, it take lots of time. Let’s begin.
The overall dimension: Width 125 centimeters x Length 110 centimeters x Depth 12 millimeters. (These dimensions you need to measure, by using 45 degree angle) The shelf dimension: Width 13 centimeters x Length 97 centimeters.
Supplies that you need to do the Third Dimension Shelf project.
1. MDF 12 millimeters thickness and hard wood 6 millimeters thickness (Or depend on what you have) Due to the weight.
2. Spray paints colors: (red, blue, yellow, you need 2 sheds of colors in order to make light and shadow) gray, black, and (white as the primer), also wood stain.
3. Wood glue, air nail gun, screws 1/1/4 inches, and drill bits.
4. Masking tape and brown paper (to cover when spray painting).
The Beginning, Draw, Cut, Apply Wood Stain.

You need to draw 1:1 scale on the MDF and start cutting, you can use table saw for the large area and wood router for smaller area. Then you need to cut 3 shelves and 3 end shelves. After that done, apply wood glue at the end of the shelf to the wood end piece and use nail gun to attach. Also to the wood edges border in the front as well. Then you need to fill in the nail gun hole with filler or plaster mix and sand the piece, make sure that it’s smooth. Now you should prepare the MDF wood for painting, before that you need to apply the wood stain to all pieces, maybe twice should be enough, so the MDF will not absorb the spray paint too much, if too much the MDF will be swollen. Then you need to spray white paint as primer, make sure you cover all area maybe two or three times.
Add the Colors (The Spray Paints).

Prepare for spray paint. You need to wipe off the dust with dry cloth and clean all pieces. Now use the masking tape, cut the brown paper to size and tape to the area that will not be paint, make sure you tape it well. I sprayed paint gray color first, to the front area that the shelves, and also the shelves itself. For the shelf, you need to tape the end shelves, because it will be black. Wait until it dry and spray it again, but this time’s make the spray on the outline and make it look like the shadow. So it will have some dimension. The next color I use is yellow, you need to tape all other areas, except the yellow are. Start to spray paint yellow and let it dry, now you spray paint a darker yellow to make like the shadow inside the back end of the cabinet. Then you spray paint red and blue color, and do all the same taping process and also use the darker shade color to spray as the shadow as well for the red and blue. The last color to spray paint is black color, now you need to make sure that you tape off other areas well, if not, you need to come back and fix the paints. Because at this time you will spray paint the end shelf pieces and the wood pieces edges of the cabinet in the front as well.
Note: Each time you spray paint, you need to make sure that the paint will stick well, and also tape off the other area well. You need to paint all the edges also. To make it easy you use the spray can.
Attach the Shelves.

This step you need to attach the shelves to the front 2 dimension piece. First you need to measure the shelves and make sure all shelves are equal, I use 22 centimeters. Then you need to mark with pencil, try to hold the shelf in line and start to drill 2 holes at almost each end of the shelf from the back side of the 2 dimension piece. This way you know where the shelf will attach from the front. Now you can draw the line with pencil, so that when you use nail gun shoot right on the line, to attach the shelf, and use the smaller drill bit drill first, in order to screw in side to make the stronger attachment. If your drill bit too small the MDF shelf will split open and if you use the drill bit too big, the screw will not work at all. You need to attach all 3 shelves, carefully, because you don’t want to scratch the paint in the front.
Special Thanks to: Mr. Sakorn