Thief Prevention Lamp

by derrick_0723 in Circuits > Arduino

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Thief Prevention Lamp


Thieves surround us, watching and waiting for opportunities to break into our house. The thieves have the highest chance to succeed when we leave our house for a long period, they observe the house which has no light turned on for the entire day. To mislead thieves, we should create a lamp that will turn on on its own. The light will turn on on its own, confusing the thief to believe someone is living in the house. In this article, I will clearly explain all materials and steps needed to protect our properties.


The pictures shown above are the materials that we will use in order starting from the second picture:

Leonardo Board or other controllers containing input and output *1

Breadboard *1

Dedicated wiring *1

Wires with crocodile clip *4

Normal wires *3

Photoresistance *1

LED light *1

Resistance (100Ω) *1

Resistance (10kΩ) *1

Cardboards *2

If you have missing materials, you can buy them from:

Arduino Store:




Build the Circuit

Screenshot 2021-05-15 223917.png

Connect the photoresistance, LED light, resistance, wires, and Leonardo board (other controllers are accepted) using the breadboard. The 5V hole is the positive electrode and the GND hole is the negative electrode. Also, take notice of the input and output. The input is the photoresistance, which should be connected to the A-series. The output is the LED light, which should be connected to the D-series.

Package the Product


Having a product with exposed wires and a controller is unsightly. Therefore, it is important to cover your product. To control the budget, cardboard is useful for packaging your product. You can create a container base on your preference.

Making Holes


The thief prevention light contains a photoresistance and LED light. The photoresistance requires a hole to detect the strength of light and the LED light requires a hole for us to see it. You can create holes in your cardboard box using a pen. Press the top of the pen on the cardboard until a small hole appears. After creating the holes, you can squeeze the LED light and photoresistance through the holes. Take notice the dedicated wire also needs a hole for it to connect the Leonardo board.

Write Program

Click on the link above and download the sketch. Remember to download Arduino IDE if haven't, click on the link below for the download tutorial.

Upload Your Program


Before uploading the program, remember to connect the dedicated wire to your computer. Also, go to Arduino IDE→Tools→Board, then choose the controller you used. After connecting, you can upload the program and test your product!


Test your product! If it doesn't work like the example in the video, you should:

1. Check the circuit, see if everything is connected correctly and properly.

2. Check the program, download, and upload the program one more time.

3. Check your port, go to Arduino IDE→Tools→Board, then choose the controller you used.

4. Check your material, replacing the materials t check if one of the materials is broken.