Thermocouple Temperature Reading Device Using MAX6676 Thermocouple Module and Shift Register CD4094 Based 7 Segment Display

by rupjit81 in Circuits > Arduino

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Thermocouple Temperature Reading Device Using MAX6676 Thermocouple Module and Shift Register CD4094 Based 7 Segment Display

total unit.jpg

In this design we used Arduino Uno as the processor. We used MAX6676 thermocouple module to measure the temperature. The serial data is read from MAX6676 and is displayed on the 7 segment display.

MAX6676 uses K type thermocouple to measure temperature. The range of measurement is 0 to 1023 Deg. C


  1. Arduino uno 1 no.
  2. MAX6676 module 1 no.
  3. Shift registers 4 no.
  4. 7 segment displays 4 no. common cathode type.
  5. Jumper wires
  6. Thermocouple sensor K type.
  7. Bread board


display 2.jpg
display board with CD4094 shift registers.jpg
total unit.jpg
display 1.jpg
MAX6675 based thermocouple module with Arduino Uno reading temperature.
MAX6675 based thermocouple module with Arduino Uno reading temperature.

In this design we used MAX6676 module to measure temperature. We used k type thermocouple sensor to measure the temperature. The temperature data is read using shiftin() arduino command. Since the data byte is of 2 bytes length we need to call shiftin() function twice.

The stored data on the two variables are processed in seven segment display format and displayed on the display.

The temperature value is directly displayed on the display.

The device uses shift register board with seven segment displays to show the data on the display. The shift register board has been described in this instructable link

The circuit is tested and videos are attached.