The Mini and Easy Rock Launcher

by EnjoiATOM44 in Outside > Launchers

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The Mini and Easy Rock Launcher

My friend showed me this istructable but he dosent have an account so ill put it on mine oh by the way this is soooo easy

Get the Stuff

you will need a toilet roll or a clingfilm roll or any sort of card board roll i used a kitchen roll roll.some scissors and some rubber bands i used four


cut small 2 small slits in one side

The Rubber Bands Dun Dun Dun

put a rubber band down both slits

The Wrapping of the Rubber Bands Dun Dun Duuuuun

wrap the rubber bands round the one in the slits

Ur Done

take the rubber band out of the slits and then when u want 2 use it pull back the band put a rock in and fire up the barrel