The Waterwheel Project

by StephanBaur in Workshop > Energy

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The Waterwheel Project

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In montaineous regions like the Himalayas, access to reliable electricity remains a challenge for many communities. Despite substantial hydropower potential in these regions, a significant portion of its population still lacks consistent electrical energy. To address this issue, a collaborative effort between researchers, craftspeople, and operators has led to the development of a modular low-tech hydropower solution using overshot waterwheels. This project aims to provide a simple, cost-effective, and locally accessible way to generate electricity for off-grid communities.

Local Collaboration:

The pilot project involves close collaboration with local craftspeople, researchers, and operators in Nepal. Their expertise and insights contribute to the success of the waterwheel concept. The goal is to foster knowledge exchange and empower local communities to build, operate, and maintain these systems independently.

Prototype and Future Plans:

Prototypes have been developed and tested in Germany, Nepal and Kashmir, India. These prototypes serve as a foundation for continuous improvement and development. The team plans to install additional waterwheels in remote regions of Nepal, such as Langtang and Annapurna. The project aims to establish a repository of open-source technical details and manufacturing instructions for public access, allowing individuals and communities to build and test their own prototypes.

Electricity Generation:

Depending on the dimensions of the modular waterwheel, the system can generate between 100 and 1000 W of electrical power. This capacity is sufficient to provide lighting, power small appliances, and potentially reduce reliance on conventional fuels for cooking and heating.

Prerequisite and Disclaimer

Before embarking on the construction of the modular water wheel using this tutorial, it is essential to note that this guide is intended for individuals who possess prior experience in working with metal and are familiar with workshop tools and procedures. The manufacturing process involves cutting, drilling, bending, and assembling metal components, which require a certain level of skill and knowledge to ensure safety and precision.


The information provided in this tutorial is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The author does not assume any responsibility for any harm, injury, or damage that may arise during the construction, assembly, or operation of the modular water wheel or its associated components. All activities described should be carried out with the utmost care and attention to safety protocols.

Exploring Future Possibilities:

As the modular water wheel concept continues to evolve, there is a possibility of introducing a comprehensive "commercial" version. This version could offer an all-inclusive package, allowing individuals to obtain essential components in a ready-to-assemble format. However, at this stage, the tutorial focuses on guiding skilled individuals through the process of creating the water wheel from scratch using common workshop tools.

By proceeding with this tutorial, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your actions and safety while working on the project. If you are unsure about any aspect of the process or lack the necessary skills, it is advisable to seek assistance from experienced individuals or professionals. Your commitment to safety and responsible craftsmanship will contribute to the success of your water wheel project and the realization of its benefits for renewable energy generation.

Preparing the Sheet and Basic Cutting

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Tools and material needed for this step:

  • Cutting tools (metal scissor or angle grinder etc..)
  • Saftey gear (gloves, googles, ear protection)
  • galvanized or stainless steel sheet:
  • 0.5 - 0.8 mm thickness
  • 2 pieces of 4 x 8 feet for 12 modules

Step 1.1: Preparing the Sheet

Place the metal sheet on a clean and safe working surface. Refer to the provided picture to visualize the size and form of the module you're creating. Ensure you have all necessary tools and safety gear at hand.

Step 1.2: Cutting the Buckets

Using your cutting tool, carefully follow the dimensions marked on the metal sheet. These cuts will shape the buckets that capture the force of water to generate power. Precise cutting is essential to ensure proper water flow and energy efficiency.

Punch Marking for Drilling and Cutting

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Tools for this step:

  • Hammer
  • Center punch
  • Drill machine
  • 9 mm & 3 mm drill bit

Step 3.1: Punch Marking and Drilling

Using a center punch and a hammer, create punch marks at key locations. These punch marks indicate where holes will be drilled and cuts will be made. More important dimensions are the one in the box in the provided picture. More important because these will define the size of the module, while the others are only flaps needed for riveting in later steps where it's not as crucial.

Drilling the 3 mm holes, indicated by an "X" in the picture are a crucial step that reinforces the strength of your water wheel module, preventing stress concentration and potential tearing when bending the metal sheet. The carefully placed holes contribute to the overall durability and reliability of your module, ensuring it stands up to the rigors of its intended purpose.

Bending the metal without holes at the corners could potentially lead to tearing, which could significantly reduce the lifespan of the module.

Step 3.2: Further Drilling

In this crucial step, you'll drill 9 mm holes at specific positions indicated by small circles and dimensions in the provided picture. These holes serve as an integral part of ensuring the structural integrity when assembling the module. Again the more important measurements are boxed in the drawing.

Fine Cutting for Beding Preperation

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Tools for this step:

  • Cutting tools (metal scissor or angle grinder etc..)
  • Prepared sheets
  • Pen or scriber

Before proceeding with the bending process, it's essential to perform a fine cutting step that ensures the sheets won't obstruct the bending and helps maintain the structural integrity of your water wheel module. This step involves precise cuts at specific angles, indicated by dimensions in the drawing.

Mark all postions with a pen before starting cutting.

Begin the cutting process, making sure to align the cutting tool with the prior drilled 3 mm holes. It's crucial to cut exactly to these holes to avoid any tearing or damage during the bending process.

Slowly and steadily guide the cutting tool along the marked lines, ensuring a smooth and accurate cut.

Once all cuts are made, inspect the edges to ensure they are clean and free from any rough or jagged areas. You can use a file or sandpaper to smooth out any sharp edges if needed.

If you don't have a protactor for the 60 degree angle at hand, follow the DIY instructions for the 60 degree template provided in the drawing. This will make your life a lot easier cutting the whole lot.


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Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Bending machine (sheet metal brake)
  • Hammer
  • Protactor

Now that the fine cutting step is completed, it's time to move on to the bending process. Proper bending is crucial for forming the metal sheets into the required shape for your water wheel module. Follow these instructions carefully to achieve accurate and effective results.

Begin by positioning the metal sheet in the bending machine (sheet metal brake), ensuring it is aligned correctly and securely held in place. Depending on the type of bending machine used you have to pay special attention to the order in which you bend the edges to ensure you can properly place the sheet in the machine for the remaining steps ( learned that the hard way ;)). The ordering indicated by the numbers on the edges in the picture worked best for me.

Proper bending is essential for creating the correct shape for your water wheel module. By following the indicated angles and the specified bending sequence, you'll ensure that the metal sheet takes on the necessary form without any hindrances or inaccuracies. With the bending step successfully completed, your module is well on its way to becoming a sturdy and reliable component of your water wheel system.

Result of the Manufacturing the Module Parts

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With the manufacturing process complete, it's good practice to perform a thorough inspection to ensure that all parts match the specifications and appearance shown in the picture.

Examine the edges of all components. Ensure that they have been properly deburred. Use sandpaper or a file to gently smooth out any sharp or rough edges. Deburring is essential to prevent injuries when assembling the cells from the modules.

Correcting fine deviations at this stage will save you a lot of time during the assembly process. It's essential that all modules are as uniform as possible the ensure the final wheel will be as balanced as possible guaranteeing a symmetrical wheel to maintain a smooth rotation.

Assembly of the Module

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Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Drilling machine
  • 4 mm drill bit
  • Rivet gun
  • 18 x 4 mm rivets
  • 2 x screw clamp ( C-clamp)

Now that you have prepared the individual components, it's time to assemble them into a cohesive module. This step involves precise alignment and the use of screws clamps and rivets to create a robust structure. Follow these instructions carefully to successfully assemble your water wheel module:

Begin by arranging the prepared components according to the picture provided. Pay close attention to the alignment of edges to ensure a perfect fit. Achieving accurate alignment at this stage is crucial for a well-constructed module and a smooth assembly of the wheel in the next step

Once the parts are aligned, use screw clamps to securely fix them in place. Position the clamps on opposite ends to hold the components tightly together. During the riveting process, apply consistent pressure with the rivet gun to ensure that the rivets create a secure and gap-free connection between the parts. Gaps between the parts will lead to a leaky module and affect the efficiency of the water wheel.

Refer to the provided drawing to determine the approximate locations for the 4 holes needed for riveting. Mark these locations on the components using a pen or a punch mark. Using a drilling machine, carefully bore the 4 holes at the marked locations. With the holes in place, it's time to rivet the two parts together. Insert the rivets into the holes as shown in the picture.

Continue with the two side panels just like before, placing the holes as depicted in the drawing.

The final water wheel cells should now look like in the picture.

Final Wheel Assembly - Rough Positioning of the Modules

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Now that you have successfully created the individual modules, it's time to assemble the final water wheel by carefully combining these modules. This assembly process requires precision and attention to detail to ensure a well-balanced and smoothly rotating wheel. Follow these steps for a successful assembly:

Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Prepared modules/cells
  • Protactor
  • Screw clamps ( C-clamps)
  • 24 x M8 screws (20 mm length)
  • 24 x M8 nuts
  • 48 x M8 washers
  • Tools for screwing and nut fastening ( 2 x 13 mm wrenches )

Step 8.1: Rough Positioning of Modules

Begin by sliding the prepared modules into one another like shown in the picture. As you continue inserting modules, you'll gradually form the circular shape of the wheel. Pay close attention to ensure that the modules are aligned and fit snugly together.

Step 8.2: Fine Adjustment for Balance

With the modules in rough position, it's time for the fine adjustment process. This step is critical to achieve perfect balance and a smooth rotation. In the outer holes of the modules, insert M8 screws with a length of 20mm. Along with the screws, place M8 nuts on the opposite side.

Important: Do not fully tighten the screws and nuts at this stage. Leave them slightly loose to allow for adjustments.

The inner angle of each module, as indicated in the provided picture, plays a crucial role in positioning the chambers. For example, if your wheel consists of 12 cells, the inner angle should be adjusted to 150 degrees.

With the M8 screws and nuts loosely in place, carefully adjust the angle and positioning of each module. This step requires patience and precision to achieve a perfectly balanced and round wheel.

Step 8.3: Final Tightening

Once you are satisfied with the fine adjustment and the wheel's balance, proceed to tighten all the M8 screws and nuts. Use the appropriate tools for screwing and nut fastening.

Tighten the screws evenly and with consistent torque to maintain the balance achieved during the fine adjustment.

Step 8.4: Flipping and Repeating

Now that the wheels is perfectly round and tightly held in place by the screws it time to carefully flip over the wheel and repeat steps 8.2 and 8.3. This will be a lot easier then before since the wheel should already be nicely in position.

Fixing the Modules With the Inner Bores

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With the wheel assembled, balanced, and outer screws tightened, it's time to proceed with drilling holes for the inner bolts. This step is crucial to ensure that the individual modules are securely aligned and held together within the wheel. Here's how to accomplish this task:

Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Assembled water wheel with outer screws tightened
  • Pen or punch mark
  • 9 mm drill bit
  • 4 mm drill bit (used previously)
  • Drilling equipment
  • 24 x M8 screws (30 mm length)
  • 24 x M8 nuts
  • 48 x M8 washers

Step 9.1: Marking Hole Positions for Alignment

Extend the inner edges of one module that slide into the other. Also, locate the hidden edges of this module inside the other module from the top.

The objective is to create holes that align the two corresponding edges of adjacent modules, effectively fastening them together. This alignment contributes to the overall stability and integrity of the wheel.

Using a pen or a punch mark, mark the positions for the holes on both edges. Make these marks exactly 15 mm from each side of the created lines as shown in the picture.

Step 9.2: Drilling the Holes

To ensure accurate drilling, use the 4mm drill bit from the previous step to create a pilot hole at the marked positions. This pilot hole will help guide the larger 9 mm drill bit and prevent any potential drifting during drilling.

Now, switch to the 9mm drill bit and carefully drill the holes at the marked positions. Make sure to maintain a steady hand and consistent pressure while drilling.

Step 9.3: Repeat for All Modules

Repeat the marking and drilling process for all the 12 modules within the wheel. Each module should have corresponding holes that align with adjacent modules.

Consistency in hole placement and alignment is essential to maintain the balance and stability of the entire wheel and ease the assembly of the spokes to mount the wheel on the shaft in the following steps.

Mounting the Wheel on a Shaft

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Note: Ongoing Development and Future Steps

While the steps described so far have guided you through the foundational aspects of creating the modular water wheel, it's important to acknowledge that some stages of the process are still undergoing refinement and development. The pictures should give you a glimps of what the prototype already built looks like.

Here's an overview of the forthcoming phases:

1. Template for Manufacturing the Spokes/Inner Wheel:

The fabrication of the spokes/inner-wheel is currently done for each wheel size individually. This component plays a vital role in connecting the modules and ensuring the stability and efficiency of the water wheel. Detailed instructions for creating this element, along with suitable measurements, will be provided in the near future.

2. Mounting the Wheel to a Shaft:

A generic method for securely mounting the fully assembled water wheel onto a shaft is also under development. This step is crucial for connecting the rotational motion of the wheel to a generator or other energy conversion mechanism. Clear instructions on how to achieve a reliable and balanced connection will be shared soon.

3. Coupling a Suitable Generator:

Coupling an appropriate generator to harness the energy produced by the water wheel is an essential step in the process. The right generator choice ensures efficient energy conversion. Detailed guidelines for selecting and coupling a generator, as well as optimizing its performance, will be provided in upcoming instructions.

Further Instruction and Improvements:

In the spirit of continuous improvement, ongoing efforts are dedicated to refining and enhancing the modular water wheel design. Comprehensive instructions, diagrams, and specifications tailored to various wheel sizes will be made available to facilitate the construction process.

Embracing Flexibility:

The current phase of development embraces the flexibility required to accommodate different wheel sizes, operational conditions, and energy requirements. The modular nature of the water wheel concept allows for adaptability and scalability, making it suitable for a wide range of conditions.

Stay tuned for the forthcoming instructions that will guide you through the remaining steps of manufacturing the spokes, mounting the wheel, and coupling a generator. These steps are integral to transforming your modular water wheel into a functional and efficient source of renewable energy. Your commitment to this innovative project contributes to sustainable solutions for harnessing the power of water for the benefit of remote communities and beyond.