The Unicycle Freemount: by Popular Demand

by vanpaun in Outside > Bikes

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The Unicycle Freemount: by Popular Demand

Ahhh, the all elusive free mount. There are a few ways to get into this. I would recommend the basic one, not a 180 jump mount, not yet at least :). Again, the 5 11 position. This is personal preference, but I have my 5 foot my non dominant. This takes a TON of practice, nearly a month for me :). LAMEDUST: don't unpublish it dude! its good how it is.

Other Methods

Give idling a try. This is when you ride forward, back, forward back. Your 5 o'clock foot should be swinging to about 7 O'clock, and back. This gives you a general idea of the process of mounting. That said, nothing beats practicing plain old mounting.