The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich!

by Cooking With Chrissy in Cooking > Breakfast

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The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich!

The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

This Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich will knock your socks off! It uses two hash-browns instead of a bun. If you're a lover of breakfast foods, you have to check this one out! I was feeling a little under the weather a few days ago, and my husband made these for me for the first time. I have to say, it is the best breakfast sandwich I can remember ever having!

For a full video tutorial of this recipe, please watch the embedded video above.

If the embedded video does not display for you for whatever reason, you can view it on YouTube by clicking here.



  • Frozen hash-brown patties
  • Sausage
  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper



  1. Lay the bacon out on a baking sheet and place in a 350 degree oven.
  2. Place the frozen hash-browns into a med-hi frying pan.
  3. When the hash-browns are browned on one side, flip them over.
  4. Add sliced cheese to the hash-browns while they cook on the reverse.
  5. Remove when browned on both sides.
  6. Make a thin oblong sausage patty for each sandwich. The hash-browns will be the bun for the sandwich, so you want to make a patty that is roughly the same shape, but a little larger because they will shrink a bit during cooking.
  7. Cook the sausage in the pan that you cooked the hash-browns in.
  8. When the sausage is finished, crack one egg for each sandwich into the skillet.
  9. Go ahead and break the yolk on the eggs. Since we don't have a traditional bun on this sandwich to soak up the egg, you don't want a real runny egg.
  10. Be sure to keep an eye on your bacon throughout this process. It should be finishing up while you cook the eggs.
  11. When all the components are complete, we can assemble the sandwich.

Note: If you watch the video tutorial, you will see that my well-meaning husband used a ton of oil to cook the eggs. While they still came out fine, this is not needed. Had I been cooking this meal, I would have poured a little of the bacon grease into the skillet to cook the eggs in.



  1. Take one cheesed hash-brown.
  2. Add a sausage patty on top of the hash-brown.
  3. Add an egg.
  4. Add a couple strips of bacon.
  5. Top with another cheesed hash-brown.
  6. Dig In!!


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