The Tornado 480 Command V2

by Skreetsha in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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The Tornado 480 Command V2

The Tornado 480 Command 002.jpg
Check my H.A.W.C Version 10.0 too!

This is my first ever: 16-shot, preload-every-shot, moderate range minigun!
It's one of my sweetest looking guns because it really looks like an actual minigun!
The only negative is that the reload system takes a very long time to well.. reload, duh!
The range is about 45 ft with good quality rubberbands that are double-folded.

Weight: 1.02 kg
Length: 71 cm

-16 shots
-pretty strong
-two handles
-awesome looks
-16 shots per 5 seconds

-the shooting top is a bit flimsy
-long reload time

You likey?
So go build it!

Parts List

The Tornado 480 Command 001.jpg
-14 greys
-4 reds
-52 yellows
-35 blues
-116 whites
-158 greens + 16 greens

-65 oranges
-60 yellows
-84 grays
-5 light grays
-17 whites
-13 greens
-28 reds
-22 dark blues
-43 purples

-4 tan clips
-16 ball joint click-ins
-8 small gear wheels (the grey ones)
-16/20 gray spacers
-5 blue spacers

Other things needed:
-16 folded-up rubberbands

Got the pieces?
let's move on then, shall we?

The Trigger Pusher Plus the Front Handle

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This part is to pull the block trigger small guns, and to have a grip on the front.


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This part is to help it stand stable when you put it down.

Rear Handle

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The Tornado 480 Command 029.jpg
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The Tornado 480 Command 031.jpg
The Tornado 480 Command 032.jpg
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The Tornado 480 Command 034.jpg
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The Tornado 480 Command 040.jpg
The Tornado 480 Command 041.jpg
The Tornado 480 Command 042.jpg
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The Tornado 480 Command 026.jpg
This part is to have a steady grip on the gun


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This part is to hold the gatling part in place so it will not demolish itself by spinning without the support.

The Engine and the Engine Support

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The Tornado 480 Command 054.jpg
This part is to hold the engine in place which lets the gatling part turn.

The engine comes with the Starburst Spinner set.

The Gatling Part

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The Tornado 480 Command 064.jpg
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The Tornado 480 Command 067.jpg
This part is the spinning part which makes the small guns shoot.
pic 6-11: build the part 8 times.


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The Tornado 480 Command 085.jpg
The pictures speak for themselves...
if you have a problem, contact me on my orangeboard.


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The Tornado 480 Command 091.jpg
pic 1: get the gun
pic 2: pull back the firing pin
pic 3: get a green rod
pic 4: insert at the front
pic 5: click it so it will not come out
pic 6: do this 15 more times


You Are Done!!!

The Tornado 480 Command 001.jpg
Well Well Well,
you have built yourself the Tornado 480 Command V2
Have fun with my knex gun!!!