The Toilet Timer V1.0

by N3rdyN8 in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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The Toilet Timer V1.0


Hello everyone! Today I bring you an absurd project I made, inspired by the YouTube Channel PLACITECH. The toilet timer records the time you wasted of your life sitting on the toilet! Without further ado, lets get into it!



LCD I2C display X1

Breadboards (We used 2 because of ease of access, but 1 is ok if that is all you have.)

Piezo Buzzer X1

A Raspberry Pi Pico (Preferrably without WiFi. Without wifi is cost effective).

Jumper Wires X10

Tilt ball switch X1

Micro USB cable X1

A toilet with a plug socket nearby

A roll of masking tape.

If unsure about how to attatch components to breadboard for next step, then go to

Note that you can put the GND wires into any available GND port. The above is just given as guidance as ease of access.

If you do not know how to solder or do not have a soldering iron available, purchase a pre-soldered raspberry pi pico without wifi onboard.

Assemble the Circuit


Connect The wires as follows:


Positive (+) Pin - Pin 20 / GP15

Negative (-) Pin - Pin 18 / GND


5V - Pin 39

GND - Pin 23

SDA - Pin 1 / GP0 / I2C0 SDA

SCL - Pin 2 / GP1 / I2C0 SCL

Tilt Switch:

Positive - Pin 19 / GP14

Negative - Pin 3 / GND

Micro usb cable goes into designated port as shown in picture above.


Install Thonny Python IDE

(If you already have installed this, skip this step)


Install the program

Connect Pi Pico to computer via micro usb.

Write and upload the code below. More detailed instructions can be found on

All code attatched below in the next step. Important! Upload these files seperately, not altogether. Any order is fine.

Finish Up!


Upload the code below. Ensure the Pi Pico is in the correct orientation on the toilet lid while taped down. Time may not be fully acurate due to the imperfections in the entire process. Timer starts as soon as the lid is up, and only stops when the lid is closing. Buzzer will beep when the lid is closed, and displays the time for around 5 seconds. Tape the contraption to the toilet lid and secure it in place. All done! Enjoy recording the time your family and friends waste time on the toilet with this handy little device!