The Sewing Clean Up Thing

by Aiden J B in Craft > Sewing

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The Sewing Clean Up Thing

Screenshot 2021-01-06 110618.png

This project was made to help people who can be fairly messy when using sewing thread and needles. It gives you three places to re-spool your thread and put your needle.


All you will need for this project is:

A Tinkercad account

a computer

and a keyboard/ mouse.

The Code

Screenshot 2021-01-06 110119.png

This is the code for the project. This code can be adjusted very simply, by just duplicating it and either moving the location to -20 less or 20 more. The spools come in sets of two, with the head and the body. You need to copy both to make it work.

Thats About It.

Screenshot 2021-01-06 110618.png

Your finished product should look like this. Try duplicating the code to make more if your up for a challenge. I hope you enjoyed, -Aiden