The R O C K

The wood frame dimension: Width 35 x Length 45 x Height 55 centimeters.
The rock slab: Dimension depended on size.
Hello, In this project, I will make the side table using the rock slab for the table top and the hard wood frame. The rock slab depend on the size, I use the slab that have 6 centimeters for the thickness. The wood frame’s should be strong enough for the top. It looks good in any rooms, and the idea for some decoration to make the room look better. Let’s begin.
Supplies that you need to do The R O C K’s project.
1. Rock slab.
2. Hard wood, wood board, and wood finishing.
3. Wood glue, rubber pads.
Cut the Wood

Prepare to cut the wood for the frame. I use 2 pieces of woods dimension at 5 x 5 centimeters and length at 55 centimeters. Next I cut the 5 pieces of wood that had the same dimension 3 x 5 centimeters at different length are 29 (2 pieces), 49, and 51 (2 pieces) centimeters (Cut a little longer, so you can trim it later). Then cut the wood board at the dimension 25 x 55 centimeters and for the thickness at 5 centimeters.
Make the Joints

Now I make mortise and tenon joints for the stretcher to connect other legs and for the joint on the leg I drill a square holes 10 centimeters from the end of each piece (For all the mortise about 2 centimeters into the wood). After that I use the wood glue to attack the legs first and make a mock up to see the angle to make mortise and tenon for the wood board. For the wood board I drill square hole from the edge about 4 centimeters (For the angle you need to measure at the 1:1 scale). Next I apply the wood glue for all the joints and use the wood clamp, I use the wet cloth to clean the left over wood glue, and let it dry. Then the last thing that i make is the show piece wood joint that attach with wood glue to the front of the wood board.

Now I clean the wood frame and get ready to spray lacquer for finishing. Next I clean the rock slab (Do not use the metal brush, because it will scratch the surface. Then I apply the rubber pads at the top and the bottom of the wood frame and place the rock slab on top. It works and looks cool.
Special Thanks to: Mr. O, and Mr. Somkurn