The Ouija Board
The Ouija board is a spiritual object that is used to communicate with the spirits of the dead. To try and communicate with spirits from the second dimension. This project would be a tool used to scare your friends ,letting them believe that the Ouija Board actually works.
The project's main ideology is to place magnets on the bottom on the pointer and the motor beneath the Ouija Board. And by using the force sensor to sense if there are hands above the board the motor would move accordingly, which would also cause the pointer to move which would also scare them as well.
You will need...
1. Controller board
2.Breadboard jumper wires
3.Pressure/Force sensor
4. Protoboard
5. Servo Motor
6. USB Cable
7. Saw
8. Magnets
9. Wood
Connecting the Control Wires
This is the picture that shows the control wires placement that is needed for the project. The motor and the force sensor are both connected to the breadboard, inhancing that the force sensor could work together with the breadboard.
This is the basic code for the project. I made some changes to the parts where it could also make the pointer spin to the words "goodbye". I also changed the force sensor's amount of force needed to spin.
Code link:
Assembling External Components
1. Bring out 2 A3 wood pieces
2. Tape the Oujia Board paper onto the wooden board
3. Roll the specialized paper into equal sizes
4. Tape/glue them onto both sides of the board
5. Finished