The Key to Fast Deliveries: Drones

by minjaechung2027 in Living > Life Hacks

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The Key to Fast Deliveries: Drones

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This drone will fly all the way from warehouses to your house. And it has a cute face!


I wanted to make a design that would solve a problem in my community. Before starting this project, I was already frustrated with multiple packages not arriving on time or becoming lost. So, I thought, why not design a machine that would help with the problem? I thought of a drone. A drone could have two purposes. The first can be used for delivering packages. And the second use? It could organize the warehouses so other drones can find the packages.


After my ideation, I started transferring my idea to Tinkercad. As I did this, I encountered several problems including that my original design for 4 wings will not be enough. second, I realized that magnets for attaching to the box might not be enough. So I made hooks with a drone box with rings for the drone to attach to.


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This drone will fly all the way from warehouses to your house. This eliminates the risk of packages being lost. also, the drones will not be affected by traffic and will eliminate the pressure drivers feel from Amazon. Although in the air, these drones will not be high enough in the air to affect flight patterns. The drone hooks onto the package from 4 points. To prevent it from falling off, the hooks alternate from facing forward or to the back. the drone has a camera on the top as well as cameras on the legs holding the hooks. There are also two holes at the top that will activate if the 8 different wings lifting the drone fail. These mechanisms can be used either by autopilot or manual control.