Acrylic Light

In the photo you can see a tiny LED lamp that I built. It is made of acrylic and you can spray paint any pattern you like onto it and light it up.
To create something similar you will only need a few parts,
- some acrylic glass
- a 4,5V power supply
- 4 red LED's
- 4 120Ohm resistors
- some wire
- shrink tubing
- a can of spray paint
- some tape
The tools you need are
- a knife
- a soldering ion
- a hot glue gun
- sanding paper
Making It

As the pictures are very self explainatory i will just quickly list the different steps.
- cut the acrylic glass into pieces
- sand them
- glue them together
- print out your template and cut it out
- apply it to your acrylic box and spray paint it
- Solder the components together
- close the box
- enjoy your selfmade lamp