The Frustration Feeder!!!

by Arduino_Stuff in Circuits > Arduino

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The Frustration Feeder!!!


This is my first Instructable. My mother language is not English so I am sorry for grammar wrongs. You can built this project in 1-3 days how often you work with wood and electronics. It is defiantly fun to built this project and you can built it with your Kids.

In this project you can build a flowerpot that waters your plant and at the same time if you get frustrated and the table is shaking (maybe you are a little bit frustrated) it will drop candy on your tabel so you calm down.

Collect All the Components

Before you start you have to make sure that you have all the parts you need for this project:

The parts you have to order:

  • Arduino Nano
  • Servo motor with Servo arm
  • Power supply for Arduino
  • 5V waterpump
  • Some plastic tube
  • A circuit board
  • Cable
  • Wood
  • Screws
  • Some Tape

The parts you can built yourself:

  • Moisture sensor

Tools you need:

  • Soder Iron
  • Saw
  • a Rasp for wood

Make the Flowerpot


You do not have to built your own flowerpot you can use one you already have too. I did not publish a plan how I built mine because you can built it as big as you want.

The first real step is to built a flowerpot.

First you have to cut out 4 pieces for the sides. Mine have a 45 degree angle so they fit together smoothly.

The next thing you have to cut out are 4 columns were we will screw the sides of the flowerpot ,we just cut out, on. After that we will screw everything together like you see in the upper picture.

Built the Dropping Mechanism


The next step is to make a tube where we will store the mentos/M&M`s. I did it with two pieces of wood I screwed together like you see in the picture. You can use a PVC tube to but I did not have one. You can place the candy storage there you want the candy to come out.

If you now have mounted the storage container you maybe wonder where the candy is coming out. But first I cut a small square of wood I half diagonal so that I have two triangle. I placed it there I want the candy to come out and then I drilled holes there. I used a saw and cut the hole out and with the rasp I made the edges smoother.

The Electronics


Now we are finish with the flowerpot but it wont work without some electronics. You have to connect them as shown in the schematics. Then we have to place the servo on the right place so it opens so candy can fall out and after that the servo moves back.

The schematics:


The Code

Now we have all the hardware in place so now we are gonna upload the code to the Arduino. If you never used a Arduino before I would recommend that you watch some videos about Arduino so you know how to upload the code.

Here is a link were they explain what an Arduino is and how to use one.

Here is the code:

Test It


The final and most fun step is to fill the storage with candy and then test if when the table is shaking if it will drop. some candy for you.


If you have the problem that the candy will not get dropped, place the shock sensor closer to the table.

I hope you had fun building and testing the project.