The Executioner- a 32 Shot Nerf Hammershot
by ffmrr in Workshop > 3D Printing
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The Executioner- a 32 Shot Nerf Hammershot

I wanted to dive into modding nerf guns, but I didn't know where to start. I eventually settled on this one because it was compact, powerful, and looked nice. I found the stuff to buy through research. Here is my design.

Nerf Hammershot
10kg hammershot spring
black filament
white spray paint
clear spray paint
black spray paint
gold acrylic paint
silver acrylic paint
laser pointer
model cement
hot glue
3d printer
dremel or small saw
small saw
hammer and a punch
small nippers
3D Printing

Were going to start off with some 3d printing. I used black pla filament for this because I had it. Things you need to print:
For the plunger cap, I would recommend printing the 11mm gen 2 cap.
Taking the Gun Apart

Start by turning the gun so the screws are facing you. Unscrew them. I put mine on a magnet so I wouldn't lose them. Remove the firing mechanism and cylinder. Keep the firing mechanism, but discard the cylinder. Take the spring out and discard it. Take the loose parts out of the top, and keep the small one.
Firing Mechanism

Unscrew the screws from the trigger, and carefully take it off. Discard the trigger, and keep the small spring. Remove the pins from the hammer with a punch, and discard the hammer. Replace it with the printed hammer. Put the printed trigger in, and put the screws back in. Put in the 10kg spring.
Air Chamber

Remove the air chamber from the gun. Take off the top. Cut off the clips on outside and inside. Glue in the plunger cap with model cement, making sure the hole in the cap is to the right of the two pegs.
Shell Cutting

Cut the shell where specified in pictures. File them down so they are smooth. Make sure they're aligned.

Spray paint both halves of the shell, as well as the inline arm white. Use the acrylic paint how mine looks, making sure to let it dry. Spray paint both halves and the cylinder holder with clear spray paint.
Laser Sight

Glue the laser pointer on the rail attachment, making sure it's straight.
Putting It Back Together

Put the cylinder, arm, firing mechanism, and the rotator in. Screw the top back on. Put the scope attachment on the rail. Congratulations! You have reached the end! (Videos of it firing coming soon!)