The Executioner - a Surreal Piece
This piece was inspired by the mechanistic hidden world that "The Chief" sees in the book "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest" and has some influence from the creatures in "Pan's Labrynth". The Executioner is the first in a series of surreal characters I'm planning and may try to incorporate into one large diorama in the future. A sort of mechanized surreal underworld. The Executioner smashes the souls of the damned. Exactly who or what will damn them in this crazy little world I haven' figured out yet, but I'm sure it will come to me eventually. That being said let us begin...
Tools & Materials
- Torch
- Bench vise
- Work piece protectors (optional)
- Sandpaper
- Dremel with cut-off wheels and grinding stone
- Dust collection system (optional)
- Drill with drill and driver bits
- Drill bit sizer
- Wire brush
- Hacksaw
- Awl
- 2 small spring clamps
- Sandpaper
- 1 headless action figure with hammer (left over from my Halloween Egg)
- 1 Plastic gear
- 2 plastic eyes
- 1 copper thumb screw
- 1 small philips head screw
- Super glue (liquid type)
- E-6000
- Epoxy putty
- Spray paint (primer, silver, gold, clear)
- Vinegar
Straigtening Things Out
Erase the Marks
First we'll use a dremel and cut off wheels to remove the base of the eyes to make the back of the eyes flat. Use spring clamps to hold onto the eyes so you can keep your fingers clear of the dremel. Once the eyes are done use the dremel to remove any unwanted features. In my case I removed the belt radio and shoulder microphone.
Once the gross material removal is done use sandpaper to finish the areas and remove the mold marks as well. This is also a good way to remove any scorching from the last step.
Strike a Pose and Hold It
Fill in the Gaps
Base Preparation
I placed the figure on the base to determine how I wanted to position him. Once I determined his position I checked the diameter of the screw that will hold the figure to the base with my handy drill bit sizer. Then I drilled a hole in the gear for the screw. With that done I held the figure so that the heel of his foot covered the hole in the gear. I used an awl to mark the position of the screw on the foot. Then I drilled a hole in his foot to accept the screw. Make sure you drill deep enough to accommodate the screw.
Painting Time
Clean the Head
With the rest of the figure under control we need to clean the head up. Place the thumb screw in vinegar. I let it soak overnight and then used a wire brush to remove as much of the surface dirt as possible.
I made the mistake of sealing the figure after I glued the eyes on which made them foggy. Oh well. Live and learn.