The Computing Hat

This hat is made by SEGATRON a computer. It can access YouTube and google on the foldable screen. this looks like an ordinary hat, but it's not.
- raspberry pi 3 model B
- headphones with audio jack
- raspberry pi camera module
- raspberry pi 3.5 inch touchscreen
- small power bank (power source)
- flatcap hat
- 3D printer
- HDMI cable
- mini USB to USB cable
- micro servo

First make the circuit. follow the instructions below:
For the camera, connect the ribbon wire to the ribbon connector closest to the USB ports.
For the headphones, connect the audio jack to the audio jack plug which is next to the ribbon connector.
For the screen connect the two HDMIs together, then connect the mini USB and USB together using the USB cable
Connect to Hat

Put the raspberry pi in a box with a hole for the camera and the USB, HDMI, audio jack, and other ports. the screen is foldable, so you can make it automatic or manual. manual is a magnet at the end of the touchscreen to click on to the flat cap. use the hinge to make the touchscreen fold.
Automatic Screen

to connect a servo to the raspberry pi connect the +5 V and GND lines of the servo to an external power supply and the remaining signal wire to any I/O pin of the Raspberry pi. the servo controls the folding of the screen.
Connect to Wi-fi
to connect your raspberry pi to wifi, start raspi-config with: sudo raspi-config Go into System Options > Wireless LAN.Type your SSID and your password.Exit the tool. After a few seconds, your Pi is now connected to the wireless network you chose.
to connect it to the internet, simply connect your Raspberry Pi to the back of your network router with an ethernet or RJ45 cable.
Glue the headphones to the hat so when you put it on, the headphones cover your ears.
And that's it. You're done
to take pictures, make sure to plug the connector in the right way. The blue part should face the jack and USB ports.
Select the “Interfaces” tab and click on “Enable” next to “Camera:”.
Then, click on OK and reboot your Pi so the change will be effective