The Complete Guide to Airsofting

by taz2020 in Outside > Launchers

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The Complete Guide to Airsofting

Airsoft is a recreational hobby played by sport enthusiasts around the world.There are many types of airsoft guns from spring pistols to fully automatic gas guns.First we will go over what to wear while playing airsoft.

What to Wear While Playing.

You usually will want to wear something that will blend in with your surroundings such as in an urban enviroment you would want to wear some sort of tactical style clothing.For example if you were in a forrest enviroments you would wear a ghille suit(optional) but well worth it. You should always wear eye protection YOU CAN'T REPLACE YOUR EYES.

What Gun Should You Get

Right now your probaly wondering what gun you should get.I would have to say it depends on what your going to be playing in.So here is a basic breakdown of the guns.
Shotguns:Not one of the most popular guns on the market but if you are looking for a reliable big clipped guns heres a good choice.
Automatic Electric Gun(AEG)These are one of the most popular guns on the market with the sniper.These guns are well rounded except for the unreliabilty of some of the makers such as clones but if your on a low budget you should probaly get an echo 1 they are extremely good guns for their price.These guns have very high rates of fire which give you a better chance of hitting your man if you miss the first time.
Sniper:These are very good guns for shooting someone from a distance and bring in the element of fear to your advantage but it has a major drawback if you are are caught with smg gunners and machine gunners you have to cock your gun every shot or run  to cover while carrying a huge gun.
Handguns:The handgun is a must have, preferably a gas but a spring will esentialy get the job done.You need a seconary because, say you run out of ammo and dont have a spare clip or your gun jams you could easily pull your sidearm and get your shot off much quicker than reloading.
So this is most of the categories except custom guns and thats alot different.

Where to Play.

Me and my friends will play in front yards, but that gets us and trouble and none the less gets us yelled at by neighbors for "littering". A more suitable location would be a nice abandoned store area for urban combat, a mid-sized forrest for slower paced games such as capture the flag and woodsball for say.Pretty much any where will do but just make sure there arent many people walking around and it isnt too small.

Game Modes

1.)Scenario:An objective is placed somewhere on your playing field and your goal is to either defend it, or attack the objective, whoever keeps the objective for 10 minutes wins the game.
2.)Bite The Bullet:There are really no rules, it is just keep playing until someone can't stand the pain this could go on for a while or very quickly.
3.)Capture The Flag (C.T.F.) : There are two flags on the playing field, one at your base, the other at your opponents. The objective is to capture (steal) your enemys flag and take it to your base without being shot. There are defenders and attackers, attackers being quick with short fast firing guns, and defenders with heavy sray and prey guns with massive mags.
4.) There are many more but it would take too long to describe them all, just use your brain.


Heavier BB's such as 20g.'s will be very accurate, reliable, and wont typically break in your gun compared to their cheaper counterpart which would be 12g. BB's.
Light BB's break your gun... Just dont buy them they are poorly made and lose their accuracy in about 15 yards where as heavy BB's dont lose their accuracy for...  depends on gun and hop-up.
Good BB's 
Bad BB's
Article on good and bad BB's Here

The End


Now go outside with your buddies and have some fun airsofting, but be safe also!