The Best Scratch Board for Cats

1. Let's face it. You either have cats or furniture. 2.For some reason, the more care you take into taking decissions for your cat, the more the cat decides not to care at all. The cat decides otherwise. To make things work for you and your cat you should encourage the things that come natural to them. Like cardboard boxes. ( no clue on why this comes natural to them). If I would have a cardboard box lying around it would take less then a minute for a cat to find this box and completely destroy it.
The scratch problem is really something you want to redirect. (Yes redirect, you can't eliminate this urge,see comment 1).Some genius "invented" a cardboard scratch board. I bought one for cheap and was very sceptical if this would work (see comment 2) Well, what can I say. This is the best cat product I ever bought. It now has been used by three cats and they kind of consider it as their safe haven. When done with scratching they love to stay around it, on top of it, rolling over it even sleeping on it.
Although this cardboard scratch board can be bought for cheap I chose to make one myself. The store bought version was utterly worn out and I did not feel like buying on. Still it is a great little project you can complete in half an hour with limited resources and money.
You need:
-corrugated cardboard box ( bananabox, grocery box, free of course)
-masking tape
-glue (I used white glue. But I can imagine that a starch based glue is better or safer?)
-stanley knive and metal ruler
-pen or marker
Cut Cardboard in Strips

Always cut cardboard with a knife in several runs. This makes a safer and cleaner cut.
Glue Strips Together

Finishing Off

Leave the project to dry overnight and then present it to your cat (cats). They will love it!) if they are are not convinced by themselves, a little catnip (spray) works like charm. Enjoy, thank you for checking out this instructable.
Cats Enjoying Themselves