The Arduino LED Cube!!
Are you bored? Let's try making an LED cube. A work of art, that lights up.
Check out my new project on sending a balloon into space!!
Check out my new project on sending a balloon into space!!
What in the World Is and LED?
LED is an acronym for Light Emitting Diode, where electricity can only go one way and when it passes through the "LED" it lights up!
Materials You Will Need.
Let's see what you need to make this...
• 27 LEDs - radioshack sells 20 for 3 bucks. You can go to digikey, or be smart and get two packs of assorted LEDs at radioshack.
• Arduino Programming Board - Go to the maker shed or
• Some like 2ft of wire(choose your favorite)
• A breadboard for connecting all the pieces.
• A soldering iron!
and your set to go!
• 27 LEDs - radioshack sells 20 for 3 bucks. You can go to digikey, or be smart and get two packs of assorted LEDs at radioshack.
• Arduino Programming Board - Go to the maker shed or
• Some like 2ft of wire(choose your favorite)
• A breadboard for connecting all the pieces.
• A soldering iron!
and your set to go!
Assemble the Cube!
So as you can see in that first picture. The cube is 3x3x3. Which means a 3x3 led in one layer, and three layers of 3x3 LEDs.
You need to make a jig for this. I used foam core and basically drill some holes in a 3x3 matrix shape about 1/2 an inch between each hole.
now, when you have all of your LEDs in the holes and the pins are sticking up to the sky you need to bend the cathodes.
Easy enough to understand. The longer one is the positive and bear with me, this one is called the anode.
now you want to bend the cathode (the shorter one) the way the arrows go on this picture. Then when that cathode is bent it should be touching the other LEDs cathode. This is your soldering place.(melt the solder here).
Great all done! Now you have a 3x3 led square. Repeat this step two more times so you have three.
Lay those three LED squares on the table in front of you. now, i used some wire we discussed earlier to connect them all. On the squares there should be 9 anodes sticking up. You want to connect the anode of the first LED square to the corresponding anode one the second layer.
So, when your finished you should have 9 columns of anodes.
Then you need to solder you some wires going from the negative connections of all three layers. You should end up with three separate wires coming from the negatives(the cathodes).
You need to make a jig for this. I used foam core and basically drill some holes in a 3x3 matrix shape about 1/2 an inch between each hole.
now, when you have all of your LEDs in the holes and the pins are sticking up to the sky you need to bend the cathodes.
Easy enough to understand. The longer one is the positive and bear with me, this one is called the anode.
now you want to bend the cathode (the shorter one) the way the arrows go on this picture. Then when that cathode is bent it should be touching the other LEDs cathode. This is your soldering place.(melt the solder here).
Great all done! Now you have a 3x3 led square. Repeat this step two more times so you have three.
Lay those three LED squares on the table in front of you. now, i used some wire we discussed earlier to connect them all. On the squares there should be 9 anodes sticking up. You want to connect the anode of the first LED square to the corresponding anode one the second layer.
So, when your finished you should have 9 columns of anodes.
Then you need to solder you some wires going from the negative connections of all three layers. You should end up with three separate wires coming from the negatives(the cathodes).
So Your's Should Look Like This
Exactly, Now you need to connect all of these anode pins to your breadboard and make sure that you have access to the rows they are on. Leave the cathode wires there.
Programming Time!
I found this awesome program here:
I'll save you a trip and post the code right here. Load this up to arduino via the arduino environment you can download at (a website).
Based on ledcube.c from Make: September 7, 2007 weekend podcast
Custom animation programmed by Mark Boszko,
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // allows use of PROGMEM to store patterns in flash
#define CUBESIZE 3
#define PLANETIME 3333 // time each plane is displayed in us -> 100 Hz refresh
#define TIMECONST 20 // multiplies DisplayTime to get ms - why not =100?
// LED Pattern Table in PROGMEM - last column is display time in 100ms units
// TODO this could be a lot more compact but not with binary pattern representation
prog_uchar PROGMEM PatternTable[] = {
// blink on and off
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
// flash each LED in sequence:
// Left->Right column, then Top->Bottom row, then Upper->Lower plane
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 10,
// Some little cube - big cube fun
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 10,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 10,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
// Diagonal wipe, starting in the center
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, B111, B101, B111, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, 1,
B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, B111, B100, B110, 1,
B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, B111, B100, B110, 1,
B111, B011, B111, B111, B100, B110, B111, B100, B100, 1,
B111, B100, B110, B111, B100, B100, B111, B100, B000, 1,
B111, B100, B100, B111, B100, B000, B111, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B100, B000, B111, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// 2-LED wide diaginal stripe that orbits the cube
B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// Now, with center flashies, for flavor
B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B010, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B010, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
B011, B000, B000, B001, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B010, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B110, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B010, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
B011, B010, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B011, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B010, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B110, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// Wrapping up
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
// this is a dummy element for end of table (duration=0)
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 0
** Defining pins in array makes it easier to rearrange how cube is wired
** Adjust numbers here until LEDs flash in order - L to R, T to B
** Note that analog inputs 0-5 are also digital outputs 14-19!
** Pin DigitalOut0 (serial RX) and AnalogIn5 are left open for future apps
int LEDPin[] = {16, 3, 1, 15, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7};
int PlanePin[] = {19, 18, 17};
// initialization
void setup()
int pin; // loop counter
// set up LED pins as output (active HIGH)
for (pin=0; pin<PLANESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( LEDPin[pin], OUTPUT );
// set up plane pins as outputs (active LOW)
for (pin=0; pin<CUBESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( PlanePin[pin], OUTPUT );
// display pattern in table until DisplayTime is zero (then repeat)
void loop()
// declare variables
byte PatternBuf[PLANESIZE]; // saves current pattern from PatternTable
int PatternIdx;
byte DisplayTime; // time*100ms to display pattern
unsigned long EndTime;
int plane; // loop counter for cube refresh
int patbufidx; // indexes which byte from pattern buffer
int ledrow; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledcol; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledpin; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
// Initialize PatternIdx to beginning of pattern table
PatternIdx = 0;
// loop over entries in pattern table - while DisplayTime>0
do {
// read pattern from PROGMEM and save in array
memcpy_P( PatternBuf, PatternTable+PatternIdx, PLANESIZE );
PatternIdx += PLANESIZE;
// read DisplayTime from PROGMEM and increment index
DisplayTime = pgm_read_byte_near( PatternTable + PatternIdx++ );
// compute EndTime from current time (ms) and DisplayTime
EndTime = millis() + ((unsigned long) DisplayTime) * TIMECONST;
// loop while DisplayTime>0 and current time < EndTime
while ( millis() < EndTime ) {
patbufidx = 0; // reset index counter to beginning of buffer
// loop over planes
for (plane=0; plane<CUBESIZE; plane++) {
// turn previous plane off
if (plane==0) {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[CUBESIZE-1], HIGH );
} else {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane-1], HIGH );
// load current plane pattern data into ports
ledpin = 0;
for (ledrow=0; ledrow<CUBESIZE; ledrow++) {
for (ledcol=0; ledcol<CUBESIZE; ledcol++) {
digitalWrite( LEDPin[ledpin++], PatternBuf[patbufidx] & (1 << ledcol) );
// turn current plane on
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane], LOW );
// delay PLANETIME us
delayMicroseconds( PLANETIME );
} // for plane
} // while <EndTime
} while (DisplayTime > 0); // read patterns until time=0 which signals end
{ 6 comments& read them below or add one }
I'll save you a trip and post the code right here. Load this up to arduino via the arduino environment you can download at (a website).
Based on ledcube.c from Make: September 7, 2007 weekend podcast
Custom animation programmed by Mark Boszko,
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // allows use of PROGMEM to store patterns in flash
#define CUBESIZE 3
#define PLANETIME 3333 // time each plane is displayed in us -> 100 Hz refresh
#define TIMECONST 20 // multiplies DisplayTime to get ms - why not =100?
// LED Pattern Table in PROGMEM - last column is display time in 100ms units
// TODO this could be a lot more compact but not with binary pattern representation
prog_uchar PROGMEM PatternTable[] = {
// blink on and off
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
// flash each LED in sequence:
// Left->Right column, then Top->Bottom row, then Upper->Lower plane
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B010, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 10,
// Some little cube - big cube fun
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 10,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 10,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 2,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 2,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B011, B011, B000, B011, B011, B000, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B100, B000, B000, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B110, B110, B000, B110, B110, B000, 1,
// Diagonal wipe, starting in the center
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, 5,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, B111, B101, B111, 1,
B111, B111, B111, B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, 1,
B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, B111, B100, B110, 1,
B111, B101, B111, B111, B100, B111, B111, B100, B110, 1,
B111, B011, B111, B111, B100, B110, B111, B100, B100, 1,
B111, B100, B110, B111, B100, B100, B111, B100, B000, 1,
B111, B100, B100, B111, B100, B000, B111, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B100, B000, B111, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B111, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// 2-LED wide diaginal stripe that orbits the cube
B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// Now, with center flashies, for flavor
B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B010, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B110, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B010, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
B011, B000, B000, B001, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B010, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B000, B110, B000, B110, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B100, B000, B110, B010, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
B011, B010, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B011, 1,
B000, B011, B001, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, 1,
B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B110, B000, B100, B100, 1,
B000, B010, B110, B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, 1,
B000, B100, B100, B100, B100, B000, B110, B000, B000, 1,
B100, B110, B000, B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, 1,
B110, B000, B000, B011, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, 1,
// Wrapping up
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B001, B001, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, B000, B000, B001, 1,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B001, 5,
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 3,
// this is a dummy element for end of table (duration=0)
B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, B000, 0
** Defining pins in array makes it easier to rearrange how cube is wired
** Adjust numbers here until LEDs flash in order - L to R, T to B
** Note that analog inputs 0-5 are also digital outputs 14-19!
** Pin DigitalOut0 (serial RX) and AnalogIn5 are left open for future apps
int LEDPin[] = {16, 3, 1, 15, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7};
int PlanePin[] = {19, 18, 17};
// initialization
void setup()
int pin; // loop counter
// set up LED pins as output (active HIGH)
for (pin=0; pin<PLANESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( LEDPin[pin], OUTPUT );
// set up plane pins as outputs (active LOW)
for (pin=0; pin<CUBESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( PlanePin[pin], OUTPUT );
// display pattern in table until DisplayTime is zero (then repeat)
void loop()
// declare variables
byte PatternBuf[PLANESIZE]; // saves current pattern from PatternTable
int PatternIdx;
byte DisplayTime; // time*100ms to display pattern
unsigned long EndTime;
int plane; // loop counter for cube refresh
int patbufidx; // indexes which byte from pattern buffer
int ledrow; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledcol; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledpin; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
// Initialize PatternIdx to beginning of pattern table
PatternIdx = 0;
// loop over entries in pattern table - while DisplayTime>0
do {
// read pattern from PROGMEM and save in array
memcpy_P( PatternBuf, PatternTable+PatternIdx, PLANESIZE );
PatternIdx += PLANESIZE;
// read DisplayTime from PROGMEM and increment index
DisplayTime = pgm_read_byte_near( PatternTable + PatternIdx++ );
// compute EndTime from current time (ms) and DisplayTime
EndTime = millis() + ((unsigned long) DisplayTime) * TIMECONST;
// loop while DisplayTime>0 and current time < EndTime
while ( millis() < EndTime ) {
patbufidx = 0; // reset index counter to beginning of buffer
// loop over planes
for (plane=0; plane<CUBESIZE; plane++) {
// turn previous plane off
if (plane==0) {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[CUBESIZE-1], HIGH );
} else {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane-1], HIGH );
// load current plane pattern data into ports
ledpin = 0;
for (ledrow=0; ledrow<CUBESIZE; ledrow++) {
for (ledcol=0; ledcol<CUBESIZE; ledcol++) {
digitalWrite( LEDPin[ledpin++], PatternBuf[patbufidx] & (1 << ledcol) );
// turn current plane on
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane], LOW );
// delay PLANETIME us
delayMicroseconds( PLANETIME );
} // for plane
} // while <EndTime
} while (DisplayTime > 0); // read patterns until time=0 which signals end
{ 6 comments& read them below or add one }
Connecting All of the Pins
K get some wire and you set to go.
Connect the first one all the way on the top left to analog 2 on the arduino board.
number 2 anode to digital 3
number 3 anode to digital 1
number 4 anode to analog 1
number 5 anode to digital 4
number 6 anode to digital 6
number 7 anode to analog o
number 8 anode to digital 5
and number 9 anode to digital 7
then connect the top to bottom wires in this order analog 3, 4, 5.
Connect the first one all the way on the top left to analog 2 on the arduino board.
number 2 anode to digital 3
number 3 anode to digital 1
number 4 anode to analog 1
number 5 anode to digital 4
number 6 anode to digital 6
number 7 anode to analog o
number 8 anode to digital 5
and number 9 anode to digital 7
then connect the top to bottom wires in this order analog 3, 4, 5.
Turn It on and Set It to Some Music!
Your done plug it in and it will light up! Yeah what an accomplishment! WOW!
Finally find a good song and play it turn all of the lights off so its dark and watch your creation light up!!!
Finally find a good song and play it turn all of the lights off so its dark and watch your creation light up!!!