DIY Tetris Pendants

by Muhaiminah Faiz in Craft > Jewelry

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DIY Tetris Pendants

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I'm an occasional tetris maniac! Why? here's the funny story, I install and uninstall tetris twice or more every week. When I start playing tetris, I go mad! I just can't stop playing until feeling dizzy! the moment I realize I've become a tetris addict I promise to myself 'this isn't good, I should stop now, I won't play tetris ever again, I'm uninstalling it right now'...... Next day, I just can't help myself from installing it again (I know it's foolish)... but anyways, I had to make these pendants. It took only 10 minutes to make'em and they turned out soooo cool.

I hope you enjoy making them and love'em :)

Materials Needed

To make these pendants you'll need:-

  1. Foam board
  2. Cutting mat
  3. Pencil and ruler
  4. X-acto knife
  5. Colored cardstock paper
  6. Craft glue
  7. Jump ring
  8. Awl.

Making the Tetris Shapes

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On a small foam board draw a number of squares in rows and columns (use ruler and pencil to make sure all the squares are equal).

Cut out the 5 tetris shapes from the foam board with x-acto knife. Cut them as neatly as possible.

Coloring and Attaching Jump Rings

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Take each tetris shape and color them with black acrylic (I used fabric paint because it's thick and glossy).

Allow the paint to dry for a while.

After the paint dries make a small hole on the corner of each tetris shapes using an awl.

Attach jump rings through those holes.

Gluing and Completing

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Cut out small squares (smaller than the squares of the teris shapes) from colored cardstock papers. I used yellow, red, orange, purple and blue. You will 4 squares for each shape, obviously! :p

Now carefully glue the cutout square pieces on the tetris shapes.

There! you have cool tetris inspired pendants. Attach the pendant to a chain or black string.
