Terra Nova: Martian Research Base

by space_ranger42 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Terra Nova: Martian Research Base

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Hi! I'm a high schooler from Atlanta. I plan to major in Aerospace Engineering with a concentration in Space Architecture and Robotics in college. Whenever I look at Mars, I imagine the great day someone lands there and searches the sky for the pale blue dot that is Earth, marking the beginning of humanity's multi-planetary future.

Through this project, I have become more proficient in Autodesk software and learned more about space exploration. All outside sources are directly linked within my Instructable's text for easy access.


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Terra Nova Base:

Tunnels & Subsurface Modules:

  • Mars Regolith Concrete
  • High-Density Polyethylene Panels
  • Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar
  • Polyurethane Insulation Foam
  • Crack-Detecting Fiber Optic Sensors

Surface Modules:

  • Vectran
  • Kevlar
  • Nextel
  • Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets
  • Nomex
  • Polyethylene sheets
  • Aluminum alloy beams with lockable joints (elaborated later on)
  • Fused silica and borosilicate glass windows with aerogel panes
  • Indium Tin Oxide (for repelling Mars dust from windows)
  • Leak-Detecting Electronic Textiles

Life Support Systems & General Supplies:

  • Aeroponic Agriculture System
  • Water Recycling and Electrolyzer System
  • Plumbing, Ventilation, & Electrical Infrastructure
  • Furniture
  • Lab & Office Equipment

Instructable Supplies:


  • AutoCAD for Mac 2025 (2D Sketches)
  • TinkerCAD (3D Modeling and 3D Printing)
  • Google Draw (Diagrams)

3D Printed Model

  • 3D Printer (I used Creality Ender-3)
  • 1.75 mm White PLA 3D Printing Filament
  • Red Sand
  • Plate or Tray

Extreme Environment Selection


I chose Arcadia Planitia, Mars, as my habitat’s extreme environment. I chose this region of Mars for its flat terrain, the strong evidence of water-ice deposits near the surface, and proximity to the equator. 

The flat terrain and minimally rocky surface will make spacecraft landings easier and allow astronauts to safely drive vehicles around the region, which will allow for more field research and resource extraction operations to be conducted. Additionally, the region’s low elevation puts more atmosphere between the habitat and space. This provides additional protection from radiation and meteors, and atmospheric friction to slow down descending spacecraft attempting to gently land on the surface. 

The subsurface water deposits will allow astronauts to get their water from Mars itself instead of having to import it from Earth. This will reduce mission costs and improve the safety of the habitat as the astronauts won’t have to depend on a supply delivery from Earth. A paper on possible “SpaceX Starship Landing Sites on Mars” presented at the 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in 2021 elaborates on this potential landing site, identifying a specific area in Arcadia Planitia called ‘AP-1’ that has a safe landing site while having a strong SWIM score (Subsurface Water Ice Mapping project that identifies locations on Mars with subsurface water ice; high SWIM score means better likelihood of finding subsurface ice-water). The proximity to the equator will increase the amount of sunlight solar panels -one of the two power sources of the habitat- can get.

Additionally, the region has many unique features of scientific interest such as glacier activity and land formations that are a result of volcanic activity. Having easy access to subsurface water ice samples can also help uncover evidence of past or possibly extant life on Mars.

Why Humans Must Venture to Mars:

Overall, having a permanent Mars habitat will provide immense scientific and economic value. Researchers will not only be able to study the enigmatic red planet, but can investigate how future industrialization and settlement efforts should be carried out. 

It is Necessity that is the mother of Invention. Thus, overcoming the challenges of Mars will bring innumerable benefits to Earth. The technologies developed to support a Mars base will have applications on Earth especially in sustainability. Here on Earth we tend to take our natural resources for granted and use them generously. Surviving on Mars will teach us how to use limited resources efficiently, and the value of recycling or repurposing instead of throwing things away.

Human space exploration and sustainability have a strong connection as both fields strive to find methods that best conserve precious resources such as water, food, or fuel. For example, the Environmental Control and Life Support System (E.C.L.S.S.) used on the International Space Station inspired commercialized water purification technology used on Earth. We can predict that many of the technologies developed for a Mars mission, or the technologies pioneered through Mars exploration itself, will inspire companies and initiatives on Earth.

Of course, Mars will not be easy to live on: the planet’s lack of a magnetosphere leaves its inhabitants to be subjected to radiation, the thin atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide, and the psychological effects of being so far from home and in a confined space. There is the threat of planet-wide dust storms and earthquakes. My habitat’s design intends to go beyond just ensuring the survival of the crew, but for them to enjoy their time on the red planet and think about humanity's next steps. This base will only mark the beginning of our species's multi-planetary future.

Habitat Overview

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Top view of Terra Nova Base
  2. Labeled top view of base with regolith removed, displaying the underground modules. In the following steps, I will go into detail what the purpose of each module of the base is.
  3. Top-front-right corner view of base

My habitat, called Terra Nova base (meaning “New Land”), intends to support about 40–50 people and a continued scientific and industrial research presence. The funds needed to create and maintain a long-term Mars base is no small amount, so it is paramount that the base produces research and technologies that are beneficial to future space exploration endeavors, Earth, and to Science.

An eventual goal for Terra Nova would be to break even, or that the costs of maintaining the base become equal or less to the value of its total economic output (generated by the usage of Terra Novan research and technology). Another goal is to make Terra Nova self-sustaining, or that the base is able to live off the Martian land itself and does not rely on supply deliveries from Earth anymore. 

This challenge asks: “What if extreme environment habitats embraced their unique surroundings to enhance human wellbeing?” I interpret this question as using in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) and incorporating the natural features of Mars into my habitat design.

As seen above, I grouped all the life support and essential modules together in the center for easy access to one another. This increases the habitat’s resilience as crew members are able to quickly address any technical problems with the life support systems.

A construction crew (temporary human mission) will arrive on Arcadia Planitia at AP-1. Their responsibility is to identify a specific site with firm and stable soil, level ground, and with easily-accessible water sources nearby. The construction of the entire base will span years, first focusing on life support modules before expanding into research and exploration facilities. The project will require multiple human and robotic missions to complete various components of the base, and once a life support system is set up, a steadily growing crew will live on the base and help with completing and possibly expanding Terra Nova beyond its original designs.

Table of Contents for the Subsequent Steps in this Instructable:

  1. Energy Generation
  2. Communication Systems
  3. Water Collection & Recycling
  4. Regolith Workshop
  5. Tunnels & Underground Modules
  6. Surface Modules
  7. Airlocks & ExtraVehicular Activities (EVAs)
  8. Life Support
  9. Living Quarters
  10. Headquarters
  11. Medical Facility
  12. Laboratories
  13. Launchpad
  14. Fuel Factory (Sabatier Reaction)
  15. Park 

Additional Sections:

  1. Crew & Governance
  2. 3D Printed Model
  3. Proof of Progress
  4. Conclusion: Lessons Learned and What Lies Ahead

Energy Generation

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Solar Panel Array and Kilopower Reactors from the TinkerCAD model of the base.

The Energy Generation systems will be the first thing built for the base as to provide power for the rest of the construction processes.

The habitat uses two power sources - Solar Panels and Kilopower Reactors- in case one fails or needs to be fixed, increasing the resilience of the Mars base as it will always have a constant available power supply. The Energy Generation section is kept distant so that the shadow of the base does not fall on the solar panels, and that the crew is not harmed in the highly unlikely event of a Kilopower Reactor nuclear meltdown. Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries will be used to store surplus energy as an emergency backup source of power.

Triple-junction (InGaP/GaAs/Ge) photovoltaic cells are the best type to include on a Martian solar panel array for its high efficiency, and have been used on the International Space Station and past Mars robotic missions. The base’s solar panels are able to be rotated and tilted to face the Sun’s current position in the Martian sky.

The Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology (KRUSTY) is a fission power system intended to support long-term missions on the surfaces of other planetary bodies. The technology includes failsafes against nuclear meltdown in the form of multiple feedback mechanisms, making a safe and reliable source of continuous power despite any and adverse conditions it may encounter. The KRUSTY project is intended to produce reactors capable of producing up to 10 kilowatts continuously for more than 10 years.

Energy Demand Calculations:

A rough overestimate of the amount of power the base needs to maintain all its components is around 200 kW (just for reference, the International Space Station needs around 90 kW). To comfortably meet this demand, the base has 16 kilopower reactors and 720 m² worth of solar cells. The Sun gives about 550 W per square meter at Arcadia Planitia (This was estimated based on the fact that the Mars solar constant is 590 kW per square meter, and that Arcadia Planitia is quite north). We can assume that solar panels will have an average efficiency of 20%. So the solar array would be able to produce at most 110 W per square meter on a good day. In total, this would be 79.2 kW from the panels so the total amount of energy (including 10 kW 16 kilopower reactors) we have is 239.2 kW, which will allow the base to maintain normal operations and also accommodate periods of high energy-intensity.

Energy Saving Procedures:

Several methods will be used to reduce energy consumption. Making part of the base subterranean reduces the total amount of energy needed for heating due to the soil’s thermal inertia. Additionally, the base’s compact but modular design reduces the amount of power needed to maintain the life support systems (less distance that air, water, etc. needs to be pushed through).

The most energy-intensive activities will occur during periods of peak energy availability (mid-day for solar panels) to prevent power brownouts. We will be using LED for general lighting as it is most efficient. LED is also a popular choice for lighting hydroponic farms. The base will use motion sensors to determine if anyone is currently occupying a section of the base and automatically reduce lighting or heating as to save power. This procedure won’t apply to areas that need to be maintained at a constant temperature or lighting, such as the agricultural module. The agricultural module’s use of hydroponics significantly reduces the energy and water consumption compared to traditional farming. In cases of dangerously low energy availability, power can be cut off from modules not necessary to life support to conserve resources.

Communication Systems

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Ground Laser Transmitter. The laser transmitter has a retractable shed to protect it from the outside environment.
  2. One of the two Radio Transceiver & Laser Receiver antennas. This one is located north of base while the other is located south of base. This allows the base to keep receiving messages if one of them breaks.

The construction crew will next establish the base's communication system with Earth.

NASA currently uses the Deep Space Network, a scientific telecommunications system using radio, to communicate with spacecraft on interplanetary missions. An upgraded space network using laser technology, more power than radio, is currently being developed.

In November 2023, Jet Propulsion Laboratories tested the Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC), a space laser communication system, as part of the Psyche Mission. The DSOC laser transceiver achieved ‘first light,’ or managed to receive and send an infrared signal for the first time, from 10 million miles away. This laser system is expected to support a human Mars mission as it will allow larger amounts of scientific data, such as high-resolution images and video, to be transmitted quickly.

Terra Nova will use a laser transmitter, which is controlled remotely from the Headquarters, to communicate with Earth by beaming the message to a Mars orbiter which will forward it to Earth. This will ensure that the base can still send and receive data even if it is not in a direct line-of-sight with Earth, which is required in laser communication. Another limitation of laser communication is that inclement weather such as clouds and dust storms can interfere with optical signals. Terra Nova will have a backup radio communications system in case of inclement weather or if the laser communication system breaks. The base will have its own internet for the crew to use. The crew can send and receive messages to and from Earth by forwarding it through the base’s laser communication system. Radio messages will be sent and received through the two antennas on base. The antennas will also be fitted with a laser receiver to receive laser signals. While the laser transmitter is protected by a retractable shed, the antennas must be regularly cleaned of Mars dust buildup (this problem will be discussed in detail later on).

Water Collection & Recycling

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The base’s water will be collected from Mars itself instead of being transported from Earth. This water will be continuously recycled in a closed-loop system. As no system is 100% efficient, any loss in recycled water over time will be replaced by additional collected water. 

Extracting Water:

Data from NASA orbiters indicated that much of Arcadia Planitia holds water-ice a few feet below the surface. Astronauts can extract this ice using the Rodriguez Well or “Rodwell” system. The Rodwell was first constructed at a research base in Greenland to extract water from subsurface ice deposits. This system can be applied for use on Mars as well. First, a hole is drilled through the ground to the top of the ice layer. Then, warm water is applied onto the ice to melt it, forming a pool of water within the deposit. A pump then siphons the melted water up to the surface where it can be stored in a tank. This water will then be transported back to based and processed for human consumption. This involves filtering out any impurities and removing the high perchlorate content - the latter can be done using a molybdenum catalyst developed by University of California, Riverside scientists that breaks down the perchlorate using hydrogen gas at room temperature.

Recycling Water:

The Environmental Control and Life Support System (E.C.L.S.S.), which is used to recycle water and maintain the air quality on the International Space Station, achieved a whopping 98% water recovery rate in June of 2023. The system has multiple components: the Water Recovery System, Air Revitalization System, and Oxygen Generation System (the second and third components will be discussed later on).

The Water Recovery System reclaims wastewater such as urine and humidity condensate. This water is cleaned using reverse osmosis and its purity is checked by electrical conductivity sensors (measures the amount of ions from dissolved contaminants in the water; a too high conductivity means the water is not pure enough). Dirty water is reprocessed until it reaches an acceptable standard where it is then sent to a water tank for crew use. A similar Water Recovery System -optimized for use in Mars gravity instead of microgravity- will be used to recycle the base’s wastewater, and will be continually upgraded in order to approach a true closed-loop water recycling system as close as possible.

The base will have three separate water tanks: one for life support, one for agriculture, and one for scientific and industrial use. This ensures that the problem with one of the tanks does not threaten the entire base’s water supply, and that water can just be siphoned from the other tanks if needed. The water recycling unit is directly under a small dock on the surface where vehicles can easily deposit the collected water from a Rodwell for processing (much easier than carrying a big water tank through the airlock).

The base’s ability to recycle water increases the habitat’s resilience, as the crew does not have to rely finding a new ice-water source every time they run out of water. This also minimizes the impact the habitat has on its surroundings as the crew will not be wasteful of Mars's natural resources, therefore improving the sustainability and longevity of the base itself. The technology of Terra Nova’s water recycling system will inspire new generations of water systems on Earth as well.

Regolith Workshop

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Regolith Workshop

The regolith workshop is where the base's crew members will conduct regolith and soil experiments, such as determining the best methods to make concrete using Martian regolith and how to create structures with it. The workshop has a pressurized component and an outdoor work shed. This allows astronauts to test their concrete mixture’s efficacy in both the indoor environment and the outside Martian environment.

A promising study on Earth produced "Starcrete" a concrete made out of simulated martian regolith and potato starch that has a compressive strength of 72 Megapascals - twice as strong as ordinary concrete. Another study used simulated Mars regolith to make geopolymer cement that could be used in vertical rocket landing pads. The Starcrete and geopolymer cement recipes will be replicated on Mars to see if it produces the same results with real regolith, and determine ways to improve its strength, simplify the production process, reduce the energy needed to make it.

As we don't know the exact type of concrete that will be best on Mars yet, I'll just refer to the material as general Mars regolith concrete. The regolith workshop will be set up to begin experimenting and producing this concrete, which will be used in parts of the base.

Tunnels & Underground Modules

Terra Nova Tunnel Construction Process
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Image Descriptions:

These images and video detail step-by-step the tunnel construction process:

  1. Newly-dug section of tunnel supported by formwork
  2. Mars Regolith Concrete applied to tunnel walls and cured
  3. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar frame fitted to walls
  4. Insulation Foam Applied
  5. High-Density Polyethylene panels added
  6. Catwalk installed

Creating and Stabilizing the Tunnels:

The tunnel system is how the crew will get from one module to another within the base. Excavate the tunnel system using a Tunnel Boring Machine(s) - built specifically for Mars environment use - such that the tunnel's ceiling is 3 meters under the surface to provide adequate radiation protection. Save the dug-up regolith for later use in making concrete. The tunnels between modules should have a 3.5 meter clearance and a width of 3 meters. Begin excavating the caverns that will house underground modules section-by-section to avoid a roof collapse. Place formwork to ensure the cavern holds up in the time before it is modified for human use.

Make Martian regolith concrete (as previously mentioned, the regolith workshop will determine its specific recipe upon further analysis of the properties of Martian regolith, and what conditions the tunnel must be kept at for the concrete to cure). Optimally, we want a concrete that can cure at low temperatures.

Apply a thick layer of concrete onto the tunnel walls to stabilize the passage and use formwork to hold up the concrete paste against the walls while it cures. Once dried, line the tunnels with a framework of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar, a lightweight composite material that is rust and corrosion resistant, to provide additional structural stability. Coat the walls with Polyurethane Insulation Foam to reduce heat loss and to help maintain a stable temperature. Finally, add panels of High-Density Polyethylene over the rebar frame and foam to provide radiation protection and to make the tunnels air-tight and water-tight. Build catwalks throughout the tunnel system for the crew to walk on.

Creating and Stabilizing the Underground Modules:

Repeat a similar process with the caverns that will become underground modules. In addition, install regolith concrete pillars inside each cavern to ensure that it will hold up. The amount of pillars will be based on the dimensions of the cavern.

For example, the Living Quarters module is a 25 by 15 by 3 meters space (still 3 meters under the surface). The formula for a cavern’s overburden load (weight of Mars regolith above) per square meter can be simplified to: Regolith Density ✖ Mars Gravitational Acceleration ✖ Depth. The Mars Pathfinder’s experiments estimated the average bulk soil density to ~1520 kg/m³, so the overburden load per m² is: 1520 kg/m³ ✖ 3.71 m/s² ✖ 3 m = 16917.6 N/m². This number times the area of the living quarters gives us: 16917.6 N/m² ✖ 25 m ✖ 15 m = 6,344,100 N. As we don’t know the exact properties of regolith yet, I’ll just use a conservative estimate of their compressive strength being 20 MPa. Each pillar will have a diameter of 0.5 meters. The Load-Bearing capacity for each pillar is equal to the compressive strength times the pillar’s cross sectional area (𝝅 ✖ (radius)²) : 20 MPa ✖ 0.196 m² = 3,927,000 N. The total number of pillars required is the total overburden load divided by the pillar load capacity, which gives us ~ 1.61 pillars. I’ll use a safety factor of 3 to account for uncertainties and any extra load from vehicles or people that are on the surface directly above the quarters to get a rounded amount of 5 pillars. One pillar will be placed in each quadrant of the cavern and in the center to best evenly distribute the load.

Embed smart Fiber Optic Sensors along the tunnel and cavern wall. These sensors can be configured to detect early cracks in the concrete so the crew can fix them before they grow into a serious problem. Conduct pressurization tests to ensure the tunnel system can hold the base’s 1 atm atmospheric mixture (80% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen). Search for any major leaks and measure the amount of atmosphere leakage over time to see if it's at an acceptable level. Add airtight hatch doors at every junction in the tunnel system to ensure that if one part of the tunnel becomes unstable due to a leak or other unsafe condition, it can be quickly sealed off from the rest of the base. The base’s multiple routes will allow crew to move around the inaccessible area. This modular design will improve overall safety as a dangerous situation in one location will not affect access to the rest of the base. Airtight hatch doors will also be installed at every location where the tunnel will connect to a surface module. This will ensure that a pressure loss in a surface component won't hurt the rest of the base’s atmosphere.

Resilience against Martian Earthquakes:

Mars has moderate seismic activity as recorded by the NASA InSight spacecraft, the largest ever recorded being a 4.7 in 2022. This activity can be caused by Mars’s faults or a meteor impact. The base’s tunnels provide protection from quakes as it is an underground structure which will move with the soil, instead of being shaken and destabilized like buildings on the surface will be. 

Civil engineering and architectural principles indicate that short and wide buildings handle earthquakes better compared to tall buildings which don't taper with height because in the latter case, the inertia of the building’s upper floors can dangerously tilt the structure and risk collapse. This is why none of my surface modules have a greater height than their length or width, and use deep foundations to reduce shaking. Additionally, geometric buildings (circle, square, rectangle, or triangle) with a uniform mass distribution handle seismic forces better as they won’t sway or twist as much, and there aren’t any weak points that can get severely damaged. This is why all my surface buildings use geometrics and stand alone; if all of the surface modules were connected on the surface by pressurized walkways instead of underground tunnels, seismic forces would tear apart the relatively narrow surface walkways, which can lead to catastrophic pressure loss.

I got this information from an article by Erusu Consultants, a Los Angeles structural engineering firm. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-aspects-architecture-affect-buildings-seismic-resistance/

Surface Modules

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Image Description: Bare Interior of a Surface Module. The airtight door leads to a descending staircase to the underground modules. The window has a shutter that creates an airtight seal when closed, in case the window breaks.

A surface module consists of an inflatable structure with an aluminum-alloy beam chassis inside of it. The chassis is a foldable framework with lockable joints, allowing for easy assembly. Building the chassis first will make inflating the structure easier and provide extra stability and structure. Although appearing counterintuitive, an inflatable structure is better for a Mars mission than a rigid structure for several reasons.

First, it is easier to send to Mars as it can be packaged in its deflated form which takes up minimal area on a cargo-carrying spacecraft. An inflatable structure is also easier to assemble on Mars as it is just one piece of fabric that can be easily inflated, compared to building a rigid structure together piece-by-piece. Additionally, an inflatable structure can include multiple layers of fabrics that each have a different purpose such as radiation protection, water-tightness, durability, etc. therefore being more resilient than a rigid structure as the former is prepared to protect its inhabitants from a wide range of environmental factors and dangerous situations. For the surface module’s particular shape, rounded structures are able to maintain pressure better than pointed structures because of their more uniform stress distribution. This is why a sphere is actually the best structure for an inflatable surface module but isn't very space-efficient, so my design settled for a cylindrical shape.

After building the chassis, inflate the surface module and conduct pressurization tests (as described in the previous step) to ensure it can hold a stable atmosphere. The 4 laboratory, headquarters, and fuel factory surface modules have their own solar panels to collect additional energy, making best use of the empty roofspace.

Inflatable Fabric Materials:

The layers of the surface module’s fabric include Vectran, a fiber used by Sierra Space and Lockheed Martin for inflatable space habitats, and in the airbags that cushioned Pathfinder’s landing on the Martian surface. Kevlar is also a highly durable material that is used to protect spacecraft from collision from debris. Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets, made up of Mylar sheets and a variety of other low thermal conducting materials will prevent heat loss from the surface module to the outside environment. This method is often used to prevent heat loss on spacecraft but can be modified for use on the Martian surface as well. Nomex is a flexible fiber that is flame-resistant and offers some radiation protection. It is used in spacesuits to protect astronauts from fire. Nomex can prevent an internal fire from specifically destroying a surface module’s fabric which may cause it to depressurize. Polyethylene sheets are used for radiation protection.

The inflatable structure is embedded with electronic textiles that use strain sensors and air leak detectors to inform the crew of any possible weak points developing in the fabric. This will improve the safety resilience of the habitat as the crew will be made aware of these weak points and repair them before an accident occurs. Each surface module is equipped with an emergency kit containing special duct tape and plugs to quickly stop a leak, a temporary solution until the crew is able to properly fix it. 

The surface module’s windows are made of fused silica and borosilicate glass, the type used on the International Space Station’s cupola, and incorporate silica aerogel panes for good thermal insulation. Many companies on Earth, such as Aspen Aerogel or Origin Global, have already developed windows using aerogel panes to get this benefit. The windows’ exteriors are coated with Indium Tin Oxide, which prevents a buildup of Mars dust by dissipating their electric charge, so the crew can clearly see outside and get natural sunlight. Every window also has a shutter panel made of Kevlar and Nextel that can be automatically or manually closed to create an airtight seal in case of a damaged window or dangerous conditions outside. The ISS cupola also uses these shutters over their windows. 

Future research into inflatable spacecraft should include the use of self-healing polymers to help fix leaks without or with minimal human intervention. This technology can significantly reduce damage from micrometeoroid or debris impact. This research will be spearheaded by Terra Nova’s Manufacturing Lab, which is further described in step 14.

Airlocks & ExtraVehicular Activities (EVAs)

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Image Description:

  1. Sketch of an Airlock Module.
  2. The EVA Prep and Equipment Testing Area is where crew members will put on/remove their spacesuits and check that the suits are functioning properly before going outside. The base's spacesuits use a one-size-fits-all design with interchangeable parts to allow crewmates of different heights to use the same suit or to quickly replace broken components. The prep area stores spare spacesuit parts for those purposes. The base's spacesuits are stored near each airlock module so the crew is able quickly evacuate the base.
  3. The Dust Removal Chamber is where excess Mars dust brought into the base is cleaned up (doesn't apply to crew members heading outside)
  4. The Depressurization chamber slowly increases/lowers the air pressure to accommodate for the pressure difference between inside the base and the Martian surface.
  5. Image of an airlock module and the Vehicle Repair Shed from the TinkerCAD model

There are 3 airlock modules with two doors each stationed around the base to ensure easy access and safety. If one part of the base becomes inaccessible due to a leak or other event, crew members can use the other airlocks. Having redundancy - or multiple systems which do the same exact thing - is a cardinal rule in engineering and space mission planning. This is because having redundancy is actually more efficient than having only one system do one thing, because when a system does fail, the mission can resume operation on a backup system instead of being halted until that system is fixed, or canceled altogether. Even though it takes extra energy and money to build spare systems, the cost of a failed mission or endangering lives is greater!

Each airlock module has an ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA) preparation area, where crew members can put on their spacesuits and conduct checks to ensure everything is in working order before stepping outside. The airlocks has a parking area for vehicles as well. (These are indicated as grey rectangles in the TinkerCAD model for simplicity, but realistically the parking lot would just be a level zone cleared of rocks).

Resilience against Martian Dust Storms:

Mars is famous for its dust storms that triennially blanket the entire planet. Luckily, due to the thin atmosphere (1% as dense as Earth's), these storms aren't too harsh both in terms of wind speed and strength (a 60 miles-per-hour gust of wind on Mars is way weaker than one of Earth). However, the Mars dust particles themself can pose a problem.

An accumulation of Mars dust inside the base is dangerous as it can damage sensitive equipment and when inhaled, can lead to lung conditions such as silicosis. Luckily, Mars dust carries an electrostatic charge, so by using a “like“ charge, the dust can be repelled from a spacesuit or anything brought inside the base. For example, NASA Kennedy Space Center developed an Electrodynamic Dust Shield, which uses a non-uniform field to generate a dielectrophoretic force to move charged dust particles in a particular direction. Electrodes can be embedded into spacesuit fabric to create the field and repel dust downwards and away from the suit. Similarly, a handheld static eliminator (device that generates an electric field to neutralize static electricity in a precise location) can be used to remove dust from any item brought into the base. This can significantly limit the amount of Mars dust that enters the base through the airlock module. Additionally, the base’s ventilation system can employ electrostatic precipitators, a device that removes particles from a gas stream using an induced electrostatic charge, to remove airborne dust within the base. Precipitators specially designed for lunar and Mars exploration are in development at the NASA Kennedy Space Center. The Electrodynamic Dust Shield technology can also be used to repel dust covering solar panels. Just like the base's windows, Indium Tin Oxide can also be coated on spacesuit visors, vehicle windshields, and the antennas to reduce dust buildup. Using these technologies, the Mars base will be adequately prepared to handle dust storms.

EVA Vehicles:

The base is stationed with 10 open-air buggies that can comfortably hold six people each, ensuring that in the event of a catastrophic failure on the base, everyone can evacuate. Each vehicle has a radio that the crew uses to communicate with other vehicles and the base. They also include a storage space for any tools or equipment, such as the Rodwell pump and a portable tank for collecting water. The vehicles are powered by rechargeable batteries, and draw this power from the base’s energy system. They will mainly charge at night, when most energy-intensive activities are ceased due to a majority of the crew being asleep, to prevent the amount of total current drawn by the base from exceeding the supply capacity. An outdoor vehicle shed for repairing and maintaining vehicles is adjacent to one of the airlocks (refer to the top view image of the TinkerCAD model).

The base also has a pressurized field science vehicle that 2-4 researchers can use to go on multi-day trips (beyond the buggies’ practical range) to locations of scientific interest to personally collect samples and observe the environment. The field science vehicle allows researchers to conduct EVAs using suitports (where a rear-entry spacesuit is stored on the outside of structure) instead of a traditional airlock as the former saves more space. This field science vehicle contains a rudimentary life support system (oxygen tank, water tank, dehydrated food, bathroom) that must be replenished or reset after every trip. The vehicle contains scientific instruments and equipment for collecting samples and various types of data. 

Navigation Systems:

The crew will sometimes have to travel beyond the eyesight of the base to reach an ice-water deposit or conduct field research. They will use trail posts and maps made from satellite imagery, such as from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, to help them reach their destination. Crew members can use their vehicle's gauges (such as speedometers and gyroscopes) and physical landmarks to determine how far and in which directions they traveled relative to their starting point, allowing them to predict their current location.

Life Support Part 1 (Atmosphere, Heating and Cooling)

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Image Description: Labeled section view of a fully furbished tunnel

Install the base’s electrical systems and water recycling, atmospheric regulation and ventilation, heating and cooling, and waste management infrastructure. These systems will be placed in the tunnel above or under the crew walkway. Trapdoors along the walkway will allow crew members to easily access the plumbing systems below.


A tank of nitrogen will be used to create an atmospheric mixture similar to that of Earth’s (78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% Argon) by simplifying it to roughly 80% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen. This nitrogen does not need to be replenished as it is not involved in respiration at all and simply acts as a buffer gas. Plants do not use nitrogen from the air as well. 

Oxygen will be created by electrolyzing water to get oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is pumped into the base’s atmosphere as needed while the hydrogen is used to remove perchlorate from raw Mars water, as mentioned in the water collection process, and for the Sabatier process in the Fuel Factory, which will be described later on. This process is inspired by the International Space Station’s Oxygen Generation System (part of the E.C.L.S.S). 

Excess carbon dioxide will be removed from the atmosphere by the agricultural module’s crops (which will also produce some oxygen) and by carbon dioxide scrubbers. Activated charcoal filters will be used to capture trace gasses and odors, contributing to the overall cleanliness of the base. This system is inspired by the International Space Station’s Air Revitalization System (part of the E.C.L.S.S).

Sensors that measure atmospheric composition, humidity, particulate matter (Mars dust), and pressure will be placed around the base to monitor that every area has acceptable levels of each metric. The atmospheric regulation module serves as the central place to monitor this data and to control the ventilation system. A computer will automatically inject oxygen or nitrogen in different parts of the base as needed. The crew will be able to order the computer to shut off vents to a certain area of the base (in case of a toxic gas leak), or vent air to the outside in order to relieve pressure. The base maintains a spare oxygen tank just in case of a major leak or if any machinery crucial to maintaining the base atmosphere breaks. 

Heating and Cooling:

The tunnels, being underground, will already be well insulated and won’t be significantly affected by the surface’s temperature swings. This increases its resilience against the adverse condition of bad weather on the surface. Additionally, the base’s water tanks can double as thermal energy storage devices, where excess heat is stored in the water and returned back to the base when it is colder. Modules with a lot of human activity would also generate their own heat, reducing the amount of artificial heat required. If needed, the base will activate radiators or air conditioners at strategic locations to heat/cool target areas and minimize power consumption.

Life Support Part 2 (Agriculture and Waste Managment)

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Interior of hydroponics farm inside the agricultural module
  2. Floor plan of agricultural module

The agricultural module provides food for the base and conducts a variety of crop research programs. Set up the hydroponic farm and begin its first crop cycles. The indoor farm is technically split between two separate modules, so that a disease or invasive species in one module doesn’t affect all the crops. 

A hydroponic crop system is ideal for use on Mars due to its significantly lower use of water, short crop cycles, and higher crop yield compared to traditional farming methods. Additionally, a hydroponic system’s closed and controlled environment allows scientists to specially tend to the needs of each crop such as the temperature; nutrients; and correct intensity, color, and duration of light needed. 

The best crops to grow in a hydroponic system would be:

  • Microgreens
  • Leafy greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Berries
  • Herbs
  • Beans

Source: https://www.edengreen.com/blog-collection/23-plants-you-can-grow-without-soil

Root vegetables can be grown hydroponically but using a media-based system. This method uses gravel or another substrate to anchor the vegetable.

Some of the agricultural module’s studies - alongside observing how to improve the cultivation of crops on Mars - can include:

  • Find a way to modify martian regolith and/or combine it with Earth soil to create a medium to grow crops traditionally.
  • Develop GMOs specially designed to grow well in the Martian environment, further boosting yield and crop resilience. 

The crew will take dietary supplements to receive any vitamins or minerals the fresh crops do not provide. Additionally, the base will stockpile dehydrated foods from Earth in case the hydroponic farm has a lower-than-expected yield for a crop cycle.

Waste Management:

Any trash (plastics, scrap metals) that cannot be repurposed and dry solid waste will be disposed of in hermetically-sealed landfills (for each waste type) located underground and a few hundred feet away from the base. These practices are designed to minimize littering and damage to the natural landscape of Mars, as unchecked human activity can hamper scientific research efforts (E.g.: Earth bacteria accidentally contaminating Mars ice-water samples, making it more difficult to search for evidence of Mars life). It also gives a chance for future recycling technology to possibly find a way to make use of the waste.

Living Quarters

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Floor Plan of Living Quarters
  2. The library (located near the Laboratories) where crew members can study, hold small meetings, or take breaks from work.

The living quarters houses the crew. The dormitories provide a sleeping pod and a personal locker for every crewmate. The sleeping pods are stacked in two rows with the upper one being accessible by a ladder. Every crewmate is allowed to bring a certain amount of personal belongings to Mars, and upon arrival is provided a work laptop and phone specially designed to work on Mars. Any messages to and from Earth can be sent through the headquarters, allowing the crew to remain in contact with family, friends, and colleagues on Earth. The living quarters use a warm lighting scheme to create a comforting environment while the rest of the base uses cooler lighting tones to emulate a feeling of cleanliness and order.

The living quarter’s other facilities include a cafeteria, communal bathroom, and gymnasium. The crew will take turns for the responsibility of preparing meals in the cafeteria, and will maintain a variety of food options so that the crew doesn't get bored eating the same thing everyday. Food scraps can be used to make compost for the agricultural module’s soil studies. The gymnasium is an especially important facility as every crew member must exercise 2 hours per day to avoid muscle atrophy from spending so much time in Mars gravity. The gym will have cardio, weights, and strength training equipment. Crew members can plan running routes throughout the base's tunnel system. These recreational facilities also improve the wellbeing and morale of the crew as they are able to spend time doing their hobbies individuals or with their colleagues. Some group activities include book or film clubs, music bands, a base-wide newspaper for Terra Nova. The crew will also be given 2 days off per week (this will be organized so that there is always some portion of the crew that is on duty).


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Image Description: Base Headquarters Floor Plan

The Headquarters serve as Mission Control - the central decision-making location for the base. The base's leaders hold weekly meetings and regularly correspond with mission control on Earth to ensure that every objective is met, problems are being fixed, and conflicts are resolved. The communications section of the headquarters is where transmissions from Earth are sent and received, extensive ExtraVehicular Activities are monitored, and rocket launches and landings are coordinated with the crew members manning the launchpad. Having a central meeting room that keeps tabs on every activity of the base will help the entire crew coordinate their efforts and ensure they run a functional Terra Nova.

Medical Facility

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Image Description: Labeled sketch of the Medical Facility

The Medical Facility will treat the crew for any illnesses or injuries and collect valuable data on how the human body changes on Mars. The facility will have an operation theater, a clinic, and two wards to separate patients with contagious illnesses from non-infected patients. This will allow the facility to treat anything from minor ailments to conducting major surgical operations. Data on how the human body changes on Mars can be collected from monthly medical checkups, biological samples, fitness tests, and observational studies. This data will help us develop ways to get the human body to adjust better to long-term space travel, essential to Terra Nova’s goal of establishing humanity as a multi-planetary species.

Crew doctors will have to develop new medical procedures and treatment plans to accommodate for the Martian environment. For example, the effectiveness of drugs has been shown to significantly degrade in microgravity over time, so we can expect a similar effect for Mars gravity. The new medical procedures developed for Terra Nova will serve as the foundation of healthcare on Mars. Exercise regimens, treatment plans, diet, water intake, and mental health activities will be designed with the help of a team of medical professionals on Earth, who will be given access to the crew’s health data. The crew can also be prescribed additional supplements and medications that reduce the negative effect of space travel, such as radiation damage or muscle atrophy. For example, the latter may be minimized using myostatin inhibitors. Developing such a medication for astronauts may in turn help researchers on Earth treat patients with bone and muscle conditions.


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Image Descriptions:

  1. Labeled layout of a laboratory module. The other laboratories will have the same layout and furniture, but with their respective equipment.
  2. Image of the 4 laboratory modules. Solar panels are present on each roof to make best use of the space, and provide a backup power source to protect sensitive equipment and samples in case the main energy generation system goes down.

There are four labs on Terra Nova: astrobiology, geology, atmospheric science, and electronics. These labs - along with the Regolith Workshop and Medical Facility - will focus on doing research that cannot be done on Earth, as to make best use of the base’s time and resources. Raw data and select samples will be sent to Earth for further analysis. Researchers can deploy small rovers or drones to fetch samples and capture videos of locations that are too distant or dangerous for their vehicles to reach. Some studies will be conducted by multiple labs working together.

The astrobiology lab will study the possibility of past or extant life on Mars. Some of the wet lab’s research includes searching for evidence of life by analyzing water-ice samples for polyelectrolytes or even microbes, or looking for microfossils in rock strata and samples from deep underground. They will also collaborate with the agricultural module’s soil experiments described in step 13.

The geology lab will study the unique land formations such as the region’s mud volcanoes, and explore a nearby lava tunnel to assess its viability as a future Mars habitat (not much is known about the inside of lava tunnels as of today). The lab will also study if Acidalia Planita was truly the site of an ancient Martian ocean.

The atmospheric science lab will study the climatology and meteorology of Mars. Topics include the planet’s water cycle, crust-atmosphere interactions, and the dynamics of dust storms. The crew will release small weather balloons to collect data about the upper atmosphere as well as getting detailed photos of the surface below. 

The manufacturing lab will study ways to use in-situ resource utilization to produce advanced technical products that would usually be shipped from Earth, such as electronics and synthetic polymers. This will increase the resilience of the Mars base as it will be less dependent on shipments from Earth and also supports Terra Nova’s goal of eventually becoming self-sustaining. In other words, the lab will improve the engineering behind Mars surface missions by directly testing any proposed concepts (their own or from researchers on Earth) on Mars. The lab will also collaborate with the Regolith Workshop to develop methods to 3D-print objects and whole structures on Mars. Specifically, the lab can study how to turn regolith into a material that can be fed into a 3D-printer. The Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA) mission program notably demonstrated the idea of constructing a Mars habitat using 3D-printing. 

Example of equipment kept in Astrobiology lab:

Safety Equipment

  • Emergency Eyewash and Shower (Located in the Cleanroom)
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • First Aid Kit
  • Surface Module Fabric Repair Kit

Lab Equipment

  • Centrifuge
  • Mass Spectrometer
  • Chromatograph
  • Basic lab supplies (pipettes, flasks, beakers, etc.)
  • Glove Box
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Machine
  • Microplate Reader
  • Compound Microscope


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A majority of supplies for Terra Nova will be delivered via having the cargo be dropped from orbit (similar to how the Mars Pathfinder rover was deployed). The launchpad allows for small vertical-landing rockets to transport crewmates, fragile items, or samples requiring further analysis to and from Earth.

The launchpad will be a level 60x60 meters squared plot of land paved with steel reinforced concrete, located 3-4 miles away from Terra Nova to ensure a rocket accident won’t damage the base. The launchpad's true distance from the base is not reflected in my TinkerCAD model for simplicity. A service structure next to the launchpad allows the crew to repair, refuel, and unload the contents of the rocket. There is a pressurized module within the service structure to allow the arriving crew to change from their landing spacesuits into specialized Mars spacesuits.

Fuel Factory (Sabatier Reaction)

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Image Descriptions:

  1. Fuel Factory from TinkerCAD Model
  2. Diagram of Sabatier Process

Terra Nova can produce rocket fuel in-situ. This will significantly reduce the cost of Mars return missions as a vehicle heading to Mars does not have to carry fuel for the return trip to Earth, but can simply refuel on Mars. The Sabatier reaction will be used to produce methane, an excellent rocket fuel for its high density (therefore smaller fuel tanks, which means less deadweight from the tank so a higher thrust-to-weight ratio) and good compatibility with reusable rockets as it leaves less residue inside the engine between uses.

The Sabatier process is CO₂ + 4H₂ --> CH₄+ 2H₂O (Reactants: 1 molecule carbon dioxide and 4 molecules hydrogen gas; Products: 1 molecule methane and 2 molecules water).

The reaction can be done by taking carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere and getting hydrogen by electrolyzing water. The reactants are then converted to methane and water using a nickel catalyst. The water is then reused to make additional hydrogen for the Sabatier process. 

The oxygen byproduct from electrolyzation is stored for later use as an oxidizer in a rocket propulsion system. “Methalox,” or methane and liquid oxygen oxidizer, is the fuel currently used for the SpaceX Raptor family and Starship. It is the preferred choice for a Mars mission because it's the easiest to produce in-situ on Mars using the process described in this step.

I got the technical details from Marspedia’s article about the Sabatier Process. Marspedia is a wiki maintained by the Mars Society, the world’s largest Mars settlement organization.

The Fuel Factory does not have its own life support system but offers protection from Mars surface conditions. The Fuel Factory is located a few miles from base, near the Launchpad, so that an accident does not damage the rest of the base.


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Image Descriptions: Exterior and Interior view of the Park

Many Mars analog astronauts say that the favorite part of their mission was spending time in the greenhouse, because green colors provided a break from the usual red-and-white scheme of a traditionally designed Mars base. Having a spacious park will increase the habitat’s livability as it will give the crew a place to relax, play, and enjoy the natural scenery of Mars while being surrounded by green color. This can help with feelings of homesickness for Earth while on Mars.

Although the park will probably be the most arduous module to assemble on the base, its benefits of making Terra Nova more livable and comfortable far outweigh the amount of work required to build it. The park will be constructed out of Martian regolith concrete instead of inflatable fabric, due to the top half of the module being a geodesic dome skylight (inflatable habitats can better support small windows). Building the park presents an opportunity for researchers to practice building a large-scale surface structure with this novel ISRU (in situ resource utilization) concrete. Regolith concrete structures could eventually replace some surface modules or be used for new structures on the base.

The park’s dome -like the other windows on base- is made of fused silica and borosilicate glass with layers of aerogel, but the panes are much thicker and are triangular as to maximize structural integrity. Each individual pane is fitted between an aluminum beam framework. The dome has a retractable shed that can be pulled over the skylight to make an airtight seal in case of damage or harsh outside conditions. It is highly important to ensure that the dome can hold against pressure and small impacts. Install artificial turf and greenery, benches, and a swing set (I can imagine an astronaut missing this childhood comfort while on Mars). Unfortunately, using real vegetation in the park will take up precious water and require more effort to maintain. However, crew members can also enjoy spending time with the crops in the agricultural module.

Crew & Governance

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Image Description: The Terra Nova's chain-of-command.

Building a friendly atmosphere at Terra Nova is just as crucial to the base’s survival as any of its life support systems, as a major conflict within the crew can disrupt the base’s normal function.

The crew will rotate night shift schedules. This ensures that there is always at least a skeleton crew awake in Terra Nova at all times to handle emergencies and complete time-sensitive tasks, which improves the overall safety and efficiency of the base. Crew members will stay on Mars for 2 or 4 year stints. This is because the Hohmann transfer orbit (the most efficient trajectory to Mars) window opens every 26 months.

As seen in the chart, the top of the chain-of-command are directives from Earth. Terra Nova will likely be a collaborative effort between multiple space agencies -as it is with the International Space Station- and so will be guided by an international team of mission planners, scientists, and engineers. Anything not ordered by Earth is under the discretion of the Base Commander, who is the leader of all of Terra Nova. The Deputy Commander is in charge when the Base Commander is unavailable. The Division Officers are the leaders of each distinct category of activities occurring on the base. Every crew member will fall under one or two of these main divisions based on their roles. The Department Representatives do not actually have any authority, but simply have the responsibility of reporting the activities of their specific module or function to the Division Officers. Having a clear chain-of-command will ensure that the base’s operation runs smoothly, and that crew members know who to report new findings, requests, and complaints to.

3D Printed Model

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How I created my 3D model of Terra Nova (each image above corresponds to a step):

  1. I first duplicated my TinkerCAD model of the base and modified the surface modules to be easily 3D-printable. The surface modules, which are cylindrical shapes, were turned into semicircles. I also turned the Regolith Workshop, Vehicle Repair Shed, and the service structure of the Launchpad on their side. I then downloaded the model as an .STL file.
  2. I opened the .STL on Creality Print, a slicer software, to convert the file into g-code. I set the Printing Quality to 0.15 mm. I then sent the g-code to the 3D printer.
  3. I monitored the 3D printer throughout the printing process which took almost 2 hours.
  4. When the print finished I used a spatula (print removal tool) to remove the build and carefully peeled off the plastic base. I used a tray to hold my model. I poured a layer of red sand on the tray and wedged the 3D-printed buildings in the sand in the same layout they are on the TinkerCAD model.

Proof of Progress

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Image Description: This step is to demonstrate my brainstorming process. The images above are my earlier ideas of what Terra Nova would look like.

A location I heavily considered for my habitat would be the lava tunnels present on Mars. These tunnels provide excellent radiation protection and possibly contain large deposits of water-ice. If a lava tunnel were to be sealed and pressurized, it would allow astronauts to live in a spacious and spacesuit-free environment inside. The sole reason why my habitat did not make use of a lava tunnel is due to the current lack of knowledge on the interior of lava tunnels. As of now, the only data we have about lava tunnels is from orbiter imagery, so we can only estimate how stable they are, their structure and shape, or what resources are inside. These limitations would prevent me from designing an accurate lava tunnel habitat, as it would have been largely based on assumptions with no empirical data about the tunnels. This is why I believe it is of the utmost importance to have future Mars missions explore these lava tunnels in detail, so we can assess their viability as a future home for humans.

I also considered another Martian region, Acidalia Planitia, as a location for its mud volcanos, which are of high scientific interest. I later vetoed Acidalia because it has very uneven and rocky surface, which would have made EVAs and rocket landings dangerous.

Conclusion: Lessons Learned and What Lies Ahead

Image Description: Atlanta, USA at night.

"What did you learn through this process that you could apply to addressing a problem of the built environment in your own community?":

Something I learned in the process of making my entry which can help alleviate a problem in my community is energy-efficient heating and cooling systems and indoor farming systems. Atlanta is often described as an Urban Heat Island which is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as “when cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat.” (https://www.epa.gov/green-infrastructure/reduce-urban-heat-island-effect) This effect drives up the cost of air conditioning and increases the risk of heat-related illnesses. The effect has been exacerbated by recent heatwaves across the United States. To solve this problem, city planners can incorporate more trees, vegetation, and shade onto the city streets. Additionally, a study led by Princeton University found that using retroreflective materials -which are objects that reflect light rays directly back to its source, instead of letting the light ray bounce off it at a different angle- can significantly cool urban areas. Another problem in Atlanta and many other cities are food deserts, which are areas that lack access to affordable fresh food. Indoor farms can help solve this problem by allowing people to grow crops locally, which avoids the high cost of having to transport fresh food from outside the city. This will allow the indoor farm’s crops to be more affordable and won’t force residents to travel to a different part of the city just to buy produce.


A main theme of this competition was to learn how to make a habitat resilient. I would like to add one more point: Venturing to the stars will make humanity itself more resilient as we will learn how to adapt to any environment or situation encountered - our greatest ability. Through this instructable, I have communicated the resources and methods needed to establish a thriving Mars base, the precursor to making the red planet the second home of humanity. However, going to Mars does not undermine our value for Earth. Instead, the inventions and discoveries we make out there will only complement our homeworld and bring a greater appreciation of how incredibly unique our biosphere is. I would like to thank Autodesk, National Society of Black Engineers, Nox Innovations, The PENTA Building Group, the Aurelia Institute, and everyone that supported this competition and gave me the opportunity to exercise my research and design skills. 

Ad Astra!