Tequila Bottle Solar Step Lights
by jerryjaksha in Living > Decorating
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Tequila Bottle Solar Step Lights

Recycled solar bottle lights are an easy, beautiful addition for lighting up your outside stairs. Empty a few teqilla (or other) bottles, remove the label, and put the solar light string in. No wiring! They automatically download electricity from the sun, turn on at twilight and off in the daytime.

1. Any clear tequila bottle will work.
2.Shot glasses are not essential, but shot glasses and good friends are normally used to empty a tequila bottle. (Any tequila or vodka - or any clear narrow neck bottle will work in a pinch.)
3.If you prefer to delegate removing the tequila from the bottle, ask your local bar for an pre-drained one.
4.Acetone (preferred), laquer thinner, wd 40, or whatever other solvent that will remove the paper label.
3.Solar bottle lights from Amazon-about $2.50 for each string with solar panel cork.
Remove Tequila From Bottle

Remove the lid.
Empty the tequila into the shot glasses.
Toast. Repeat until the bottle is empty.
Not essential, but shot glasses and good friends are normally used to empty a tequila bottle.
This first step can make inserting the light string a little more difficult.
Remove Paper Labels

Acetone, lacquer thinner, or nail polish remover seem are the best label remover for me, but I am sure there are others.
Insert Light String

The light strings are a few feet long and are easily pushed in. Have your 6 year old do it for you if you cannot hold the bottle steady.
Slip on the supplied rubber cork sleeve for a good fit in the tequila bottle neck. (Not necessary for clear wine bottles)
Set in Sun

Relax and Enjoy

A difficult mind and skill stretching project, true, but well worth the effort. Please let me know if you made it. Thanks for reading .