Tello Drone Python Programming, Face Tracking From Drone Camera! Using Python Module OpenCV and PyGame!

by BobWithTech in Circuits > Robots

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Tello Drone Python Programming, Face Tracking From Drone Camera! Using Python Module OpenCV and PyGame!


In this tutorial, I will show you how you can program a face tracking drone through the use of Python programming languages with OpenCV library.



Gather The Required Material:



Tello Drone (1x Battery, 1x Drone, 8x Propeller, No Multiple Battery Charger)

Tello Drone Boost Combo Pack (3x Battery, 1x Drone, 8x Propeller, 1x Multiple Battery Charger)




  • Any IDE that support Python
  • Python Programming Language

Required Python Version:

  • <3.10 And >3.7
  • Flexible Python IDE

Required Python Library:

Create Python Virtual Environment (Optional)

Setting Up Virtual Environment On Python:

If you already set up the virtual environment on your computer, just skip this step and move on to step 2.


For windows, please refer to this link to set up the virtual environment.


First install the required module virtualenv in the system.

pip install virtualenv

Create a folder for your project.

 mkdir projectA
cd projectA

Setup the virtual environment with the given python version that you currently use.


 python<version> -m venv <virtual-environment-name>


 python3 -m venv .venv

Activate that virtual environment.


source <virtual-environment-name>/bin/activate


source .venv/bin/activate


To deactivate the virtual environment just enter the command:


Install the Required Python Module


Installing the Python Module:

  • opencv-python
pip install opencv-python
  • pygame
pip install pygame

  • numpy
pip install numpy
  • djitellopy
pip install djitellopy


Firstly, create the drone controller python scripts and name it "" or what ever name you want.

You can also look up in my first tello tutorial.

Write this lines of codes in the "":

import pygame
def init():
#initialize pygame library
#Set Control Display as 400x400 pixel
windows = pygame.display.set_mode((400,400))
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:

Secondly, create the facial recognition python scripts and name it "" or what ever name you want.

Write this lines of codes in the "" (with explanation):

import cv2 #import opencv library
import numpy as np #import numpy library
from djitellopy import tello #import djitellopy library
import time #import time library

me = tello.Tello() #initialise the djitello module classes on variable
me.connect() #establish wifi connection to the tello drone
print(me.get_battery()) #print the battery available on the tello drone

me.streamon() #start streaming the tello drone camera

w, h = 540, 360 #initialise the display dimension for the camera

fbRange = [15 * 1000, 20 * 1000] #the range area of the detected face for forward and backward movement

#Range of threshold values of the detected face center point in y-axis
udRange = [(h/2)-30, (h/2)] # MIN DOWN, MAX UP
udMax = [(h/2), (h/2)+30]
udMin = [(h/2)-30, (h/2)-60]
udMotion = [0, -10, 10, -30, 30] # neutral, min, max, MIN , MAX

#Range of thresholds values of the detected face center point in x-axis
lrRange = [(w/2)-30, (w/2)+30] # MIN DOWN, MAX UP
lrMax = [(w/2)+30, (w/2)+60]
lrMin = [(w/2)-30 , (w/2)-60]
lrMotion = [0, 8, -8, 16, -16] #motion for left and right movement variables

#pid tuning controller
pid = [0.5, 0.5, 0]

pError = 0 #initial error value of PID

def findFace(img):

faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") # the file location for frontal face detection.

imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.2, 5)

myFaceListC = []

myFaceListArea = []

for (x, y, w, h) in faces:

cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2)

cx = x + w // 2

cy = y + h // 2

area = w * h, (cx, cy), 5, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED)

myFaceListC.append([cx, cy])


if len(myFaceListArea) != 0:

i = myFaceListArea.index(max(myFaceListArea))

return img, [myFaceListC[i], myFaceListArea[i]]


return img, [[0, 0], 0]

def trackFace( info, w, pid, pError):
global x, y, area

area = info[1]

x, y = info[0]

fb, ud , lr = 0, 0, 0

error = x - w // 2

speed = pid[0] * error + pid[1] * (error - pError)

speed = int(np.clip(speed, -100, 100))

udState = [y > udRange[0] and y < udRange[1], y >= udMax[0], y <= udMin[0] and area != 0, y >= udMax[1], y <= udMin[1] and area != 0]
lrState = [x > lrRange[0] and x < lrRange[1], x >= lrMax[0], x <= lrMin[0] and area != 0, x >= lrMax[1], x <= lrMin[1] and area != 0]

if area > fbRange[0] and area < fbRange[1]:

fb = 0

elif area >= fbRange[1]:

fb = -20

elif area <= fbRange[0] and area != 0:

fb = 20

for index in range(MAX_STATE): #up down
if (udState[index]):
ud = udMotion[index]

for index in range(MAX_STATE): #left right
if (lrState[index]):
lr = lrMotion[index]

if x == 0:

speed = 0

error = 0

#print(speed, fb)

me.send_rc_control(lr, fb, ud, speed)

return error

#cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1)

me.send_rc_control(0, 0, 15, 0)

while True:

#_, img =

img = me.get_frame_read().frame

img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h))

img, info = findFace(img)

pError = trackFace( info, w, pid, pError)

#print("Center", info[0], "Area", info[1])

cv2.imshow("Output", img)

if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):



Tello Drone Connection

  1. Turn On The Tello Drone From The Left Side
  2. Wait Until it Blink Yellow
  3. Find The Tello Wifi Connection On Your Computer/Devices
  4. Connect Your Device To Tello Wifi Connection

Execute the Python Scripts

After The Tello Wifi Connection Connected, Click Run Program If You Are On VSCode Or Execute The Program In Your Own IDE.

YouTube Tutorial

There will be a full YouTube tutorial for Tello Drone Programming On My YouTube Channel. Don't forget to leave a follow to stay updated! Thank you.