Technical Monster
We all have many gadgets floating around in our messenger bags, getting all scratched up in the daily grind. Then we think we should get them a cozy little pocket of warmth but decide after looking at the price, "life was simpler" when all these gadgets didn't weigh us down. However, the cell phone is a must for someone like me that’s never home. Dear ol' ma wouldn't get to talk to me otherwise. And the MP3 player plays the soundtrack of my days. So I decided that my technology needed a new look if they we going to hang out with me. And now these little monsters are getting so much attention, I have decided to make them as gifts for my friends.
-Various plushy toy toss offs such as beanie babies - can be found at local thrift stores, your kids toy box a co-workers cubical and sometimes even in free boxes
-Needle & thread
-Hot glue
-Goggely eyes
-Old pants or sweaters
- Sewing Machine
-Various plushy toy toss offs such as beanie babies - can be found at local thrift stores, your kids toy box a co-workers cubical and sometimes even in free boxes
-Needle & thread
-Hot glue
-Goggely eyes
-Old pants or sweaters
- Sewing Machine
Step 1 - Start identifying which body types will accommodate your gadget. Then start deconstructing. Make little piles of plushy parts for your mad science self.
Mad Science
Step 2 – Start playing around with mixing the plushy parts on the body shell you chose. Pin in place.
Labor of Love
Step 3 – Hand sew, or hot glue the limbs, eyes, hair to your developing terror.
It's What Is on the Inside...
Step 4 – Cut off the end of a pant leg or shirt that is as wide as your plushy and a little deeper. Turn inside out and sewn three sides together, leaving the top open.
Oh the Birth
Turn the pouch back in and then push it into the body of the monster. Secure with hand stitching or hot glue
It's Alive
Step 6 – Insert your gadget. It’s like seeing your cell phone dresser up for Halloween. I leave mine open because it’s a pretty snug fit, but other may want to secure a strap across the top the keep the gadget in place. I did make one with a quasi head by sewing the butts together of two different bottom halves (see pic). Show off your monster and you’ll both get invited to all the cool parties.