Tealigh in a Light Bulb
yesterday i broke my light bulb, and i had an idea: "How can i reuse this bulb? Maybe i can create a tea light holder!", and i made it!!
Materials and Tools
for this project you need only a few things:
light bulb.
5 euro cents (or another flat base)
hotglue gun
Open the Bulb
first you have to open the light bulb, using the hacksaw and the pliers is very simple.
Open the Tea Light
using the pliers remove the external part of the tea light.
Fit the Candle
applying a little pressure fit the candle in the light bulb, and remove the residue of wax.
Glue the Base
finally you can glue the base under the bulb
and now you have a simple candle holder!!!
i know it's a rough project and can be improved in a lot of ways.
for next projects i think i will
use a bigger base, it can give a better balance.
fill all the bulb with the wax and put a longer wick to have the candle longer lasting.
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