Tattoo Your Laptop

Want a tattoo?
Me neither.
But a little scoring and colouring will have your laptop sporting a permanent tattoo.
It's easy and it won't hurt a bit... if you're careful.
This will work on plastic but for metal, you might need an engraver... which is sort of like a tattoo machine I suppose.
Needful Thingies

Felt pens
Cutting implement
Love (not pictured)

I recruited my classmate who can draw to pencil out a curvy tree on the lid of my laptop.

Here we need to slice the lines of the drawing. This will score the plastic such that ink in the next step will have a place to hide.
Careful now.

Colour over your score lines.
Rub off excess ink. The colour will remain in the line.
If you're using a permanent marker, test a little dab somewhere inconspicuous. You want to make sure it will rub off.
Whip It Out

Instant permanent tattoo! Mhmm