TWO in ONE Silly Solutions for Waking Up and Knowing the Day of the Week!!

by prusteen in Workshop > 3D Printing

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TWO in ONE Silly Solutions for Waking Up and Knowing the Day of the Week!!

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This is a simple instructable that provides two silly solutions in one design for waking up in the morning and knowing the day of the week. The only thing you will need to make this model is the software Tinkercad, which is free. :) However, if you would like to print the design and put it to use, then you will need a 3d printer, some tape, and an analog clock above your bed.

The model works by having a small, thin container taped to the hour hand of your clock. Then, each night before you go to bed you put the stick corresponding to tomorrow's day of the week inside of the container. Using the force of gravity, the stick inside of the container will fall down on you to wake you up at six o clock. Then, when you pick up the stick to put it away, you will see the day of the week. It's silly, but it works!

The time to wake you up can be customized by having that time go where the six is supposed to be. I hope you enjoy this design, and if you like it please remember to vote for me in the Tinkercad Student Design Contest!

Making the Container (Part 1)

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1. Go to Tinkercad and click on "Create New Design"

2. Add a title. I will be titling mine "My_Silly_Solution" for the sake of the contest

3. Drag a cylinder and a half sphere onto the workplane

4. Customize the dimensions of the cylinder to be just a bit thicker than the hour hand of your clock. I will be making my cylinder 10 by 10 mm

5. Customize the height of the cylinder to be a bit shorter than the hour hand of your clock. I will be making mine 40 mm

Making the Container (Part 2)

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1. Customize the dimensions of the half sphere to match the dimensions of the cylinder. Thus, I will be making my half sphere 10 by 10 mm

2. Make the height of the half sphere half of the diameter that you chose. Since I chose a diameter of 10 mm, the height will be 5 mm

3. You should see an arched double sided arrow above the half sphere. Click on it and drag to rotate it 180 degrees.

4. When you click on the cylinder, you should see a black cone above it. Click on it and drag up to raise it by the height of your half sphere. Since my half sphere had a height of 5 mm, I will raise the cylinder up 5 mm

5. Now we will align the two figures. Click on the cylinder and then hold shift while clicking on the half sphere to select them both. Then hit "L". There will be three points for each dimension; click on the middle point for the length and width to align them

6. Lastly, click the Grouping button (the second one on the top right row of buttons) to group the two figures together

Making the Container (Part 3)

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1. Click the Duplicate button (the third one on the top left row of buttons) and drag the cylinder away to get two identical figures

2. Click on the duplicated figure, and change the shape mode from "Solid" to "Hole", which can be seen in the top right box

3. Make the length and width of the duplicated figure about 80% of what they are. This is easy for me since 80% of 10 mm is 8 mm

4. Duplicate the figure, but put the duplicated one off to the corner for later use

Making the Container (Part 4)

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1. Raise the first duplicated cylinder (not the solid one) by about 2 mm; shorten the height by 2 mm to compensate

2. Align the two figures (select both and click "L") and click on the middle points for the length and width

3. Lastly, group the two figures to create the hollow container

Making the Sticks (Part 1)

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1. Put the container that you previously made off into a corner, as you will not be needing it anymore

2. Grab the hollow figure that you previously duplicated and make it solid, but still keep it in the corner

3. Decrease the length and width by .5 mm on each side. Since mine was 8 mm by 8 mm, I will now make it 7.5 mm by 7.5 mm

4. Duplicate the figure 6 more times to get 7 of them

Making the Sticks (Part 2)

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1. Drag a box onto the workplane

2. Make the length longer than the width to form a rectangular prism; I am making mine 25 mm length by 20 mm width

3. Make the height 1 mm, and duplicate 6 times to get 7 of them

Making the Sticks (Part 3)

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1. Each rectangle is going to have the abbreviation of a day of the week on it. Drag the first rectangle to the front of the workplane

2. Go from the "Basic Shapes" tab to the "Texts and Numbers" tab and drag the "M" onto the workplane

3. Move your angle so that you can see a double sided arrow to the top right or top left of the letter. Click on it and drag to rotate it 90 degrees

4. Raise the letter so that it comes back to ground level

5. Change the length of the letter to be as wide as the rectangle. In my case, the "M" will be 25 mm wide. Then, customize the height to be as tall as the rectangle width. In my case, that would be 20 mm

6. Select both the letter and the rectangle and align them as you have before. Finally, group the two shapes together

Making the Sticks (Part 4)

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1. Drag the top for Monday off to the side and continue with Tuesday. We are going to put two letters for Tuesday, so the procedure is a bit different

2. Drag another rectangle to the front of the workplane and insert a "T" and a "U"

3. Rotate the "T" 90 degrees and raise it to ground level, exactly like how you did it with the "M"

4. Make the length of the "T" half of the rectangle length (12.5 mm for me) but make the height the same as before (20 mm for me)

5. Select both the "T" and the rectangle and align them, but this time use the left point for the length and the middle point for the width. Then, group the two figures

6. Rotate the "U" 90 degrees and raise it to ground level. Change its dimensions as you did with the "T", and align it with the rest of the figure using the right point for the length and the middle point for the width. Then, group the two figures

*Make sure that your figure looks like the picture for this step before moving on*

Making the Sticks (Part 5)

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1. Drag the top for Tuesday off to the side and continue to make tops for the rest of the days of the week. Use two letters for Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday so that you know which is which. When you are done, it should look like the first picture above

2. Grab one of the 7 cylindrical figures and bring it close to the top for Monday

3. Raise the "M" to the height of the cylindrical figure (for me that would be 45 mm)

4. Select the top and the stick and align them, using the middle points for both the length and width. Then, group them together

5. Repeat this process for all of the tops until you have the completed sticks, as shown in the second picture

Adding Color

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1. Color code the different sticks by clicking on the "Solid" button and then choosing a color

2. Color the container; I am making it black to go nice with the hands of the clock

3. You are done! Now you have a completed wake-up solution and you will never forget the day of the week :)

Thank you for reading this instructable. If you enjoyed this project, please remember to go vote for it in the Tinkercad Student Design Contest!