
by robertnochez in Workshop > 3D Design

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The TS-1 is a versatile, high-performance droid used by the First Order to pursue scouting missions and take on deadly missions with force. With a design that resembles the form of a TIE Advanced x1 as well as the capability to collapse down into a compact form, the TS-1 combines a streamlined design that is packed with advanced droid functionality. 

Key Features:

- Sensors and Cameras: The TS-1 is equipped with various detection systems and scanners that allow it to find its prey. 

- On-Board Communication: Advanced telecommunication systems embedded with encrypted channels for transmitting data back to the First Order command.

- Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence: The TS-1 contains artificial sentience that allows it to pursue targets that are deemed a threat to the First Order without needing orders. Additionally, TS-1 droids are capable of communicating with one another and are often deployed in squads to pursue missions efficiently. 

- High Mobility: Capable of high-speed maneuvers, the TS-1 is capable of reaching heights and speeds that are more than the average droid. 

- Weaponry: A double barrel turret is contained within the bottom of the droid and is able to be concealed within the droid due to the rotational mechanism within. 

The TS-1 represents the cutting edge of the First Order technology due to its stealth, agility, and intelligence which make it an invaluable asset for pursuing any objective.  

My Design Story:

After hearing about this contest and having recently taken a CAD course, I eagerly jumped to take on this project as Star Wars has always been part of my life ever since I was a child. 

My design inspiration came mostly from the TIE Advanced x1, the logo of the First Order (which can be depicted by the TS-1 in the collapsed form), and the Prowler 1000 seeker. From many rough drawings, the idea of having tiny flying TIE fighters sounded very cool to me and reminded me of the Ghost from one of my favorite games, Destiny 2. 

Additionally, I designed a crate that holds three individual droids, drawing heavily from First Order aesthetics.

This project allowed me to create something I am proud of. It was challenging, but I learned a great deal from the experience.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to showcase my work and I look forward to seeing all of the entries!