THE ANNIHALATOR (AKA the World's First Fully Automatic Pen Gun)

by MFPOSGBCS in Living > Office Supply Hacks

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THE ANNIHALATOR (AKA the World's First Fully Automatic Pen Gun)

This is my biggest instructable ever and problably gonna be one of the most popular instructables on this website(my opinion). I introduce the world's first true fully automatic pen gun. No joke this thing  is rapid fire full auto. The decided to come up with my own inspiration for this came to me when i was looking at some questions on the questions board about some people asking if there was such thing as a full auto pen gun or if it was possible to make such a thing. Well, after 3 weeks on collecting materials and studying mechanisms and doing research, my own. This can be considered as the machine gun of the pen gun arsenal after what i've seen such as the click pen gun, semi auto pen gun, and the trigger pen gun.i have to say that this will be a tough project to build, for anyone wanting to build this, and that gathering the materials will be a big job. Good luck.

Gather the Materials

this is gonna be a tough task as building this pen gun requires lots of materials. You will need 3 rulers( 2 wooden and one plastic), a transparent ipod case, a mini vhs tape case, duct tape rubber bands( 8 big ones and 2-3 thin ones), knex cog wheel, 2 empty bic pen tubes, a blue knex piece, a small paper clip case, a white peg with a nail through it( i have tons of these as i collected them from the cable guys as they installed cable), and extremely sharp scissors and a  exacto knife(optional).

The Body

puting it together.png
puting it together 3.png
to make this gun you first start out with the body. The ipod case will serve as the foundation of the whole gun. on the "side view section" you will see that the case is divided in  two. There is a thin half and a fat half that make up the case. You must take the thin half off. Now for the body you will use the 2 wooden rulers.line the halve with the wooden ruler.make sure not to put it too far up but make sure you dont put it too far back. now on every wooden ruler there are 3 holes: 2 small ones and one big one.there is a small one on one end and a big one on one end. tape the halve closer to the small hole but leave enough space  because the cog wheel is gonna go there.also u will have trouble putting the knex piece through the small holes on both rulers. just make it bigger using a knife or the scissors.when thats finished cover it up and you're done with the body.

Making the Trigger

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trigger 2.png
to make the trigger you will need the pen tubes. line both up together and cut one in half as shown in the picture. Then line them up and make holes through both tubes. Then tape them together so that both hole match. Then put in the nail peg and keep it together with one thin rubber band.then cut the exposed piece of plastic. now insert the pen tubes with the nail peg as shown.make sure the nail locks with the wheel.tape the whole thing

Insert the Rail

gea a flat yellow ruler with the line markings on it.these lines will hold the ammo in place.cut the ruler as shown.then tape it and make sure its secure.

The Magazine

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gun with mag.png
this will be the feeding source for the gun. to make the magazine you will take the paper clip case and take it apart until it is in 2 pieces. then take the mini vhs case and take that apart. you will need the fat part with the circle from the vhs take the fat part and tape it to the right side of the with the halve of the paper clip case,cut the bottom of the halve until its completely cut out.  To make the magazine take the thin part of the vhs case and the halve of the paper clip case and put them together.Then mount the magazine on the fat part of the vhs case on the gun.

Loading and Ammo

the only ammo that would work with this gun is gel pen ink cartridges, but they can't be full sized. they have to be smaller than original size.Measure the ink cartridges with the paper clip case part of the magazine.Then cut the cartridges to fit the size of the magazine.Now to shoot the cartridges you must use big rubber bands.


here is the final product