by pie popper in Outside > Kites

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I've looked in the sky for the blue box, but I haven't seen it yet. And I am not as a good at waiting as Amy Pond... So, I made one myself!

The following eight steps detail how I made my TARDIS kite, in the hopes that you might be able to make one too.


You will need the following:

Seven 36" Dowels, ¼ thick
15-20 yards of extra kite string: For each section you lash together, you need about a yard. You only do that 15 times, but it's good to get extras.
2 Plastic Bags (Or you can use ripstop nylon! JoAnne's has it for $8 a yard, I will make another kite and show you what it looks like!)
Blue Spray Paint
Black and White Acrylic Paint
Spool of Kite String

Cut Dowels to Length

You should draw out your kite so you know what you are doing before you cut anything.

I had to cut all of my dowels, ending up with four 36" pieces, and six 15" pieces. You can see the plan I used above ^

Make the Cross-Sections

First we are going to get the cross-sections made. These are just lashed together using some of your kite string. 

Use a ruler to find the middle of the 15" dowels, and mark with a pencil. Take some kite string and tie it around the middle of one of the sticks, using just a plain granny-knot. (Picture 2) Grab the other dowel and make an "X" , holding it with your left hand, and then start winding the string around with your right hand, going under over under over. (Picture 3) Once you get a good amount of lashing, bring the string between the sticks a few times and then tie it  off.

If you want you can add a bit of hot glue to hold the knot better.

Lash It All Together

Now you are just going to lash the cross-sections to the other four sticks.

Starting with the top, lash each end to the end of a 36" dowel. Be sure to keep them at 90º angles. Once you get those four done, flip it over and do the same thing for the bottom.

You will have to measure up about 24-26 inches and mark on each dowel. This is where you are going to lash the third cross-piece.

Adding the Plastic

Cut off the top and side seams of a plastic bag. Place it on the floor or a large workspace and measure it up to your kite. Cut it so it fits just inside the gap between the bottom and middle cross-pieces. (Picture 2)

Start gluing the end of the bag to one of the vertical dowels, using small dots of hot glue. Do this every few inches, making sure the bag is stretched tight. Once you get one side finished, (Picture 4) wrap the bag around the other three dowels, bringing it back to the one you just glued. (Picture 5) Pull the bag tight, make sure there are no slack or baggy areas. Glue it in place with dots just like you did before. Cut any excess bag off.

Do the same thing for the top part of the kite. Wrap the bag as tight as possible; if it's too loose, it won't fly well.

Paint 'er Blue

Lay down a drop-cloth or another plastic bag in an open space. Start spraying with the blue. You want to start far away and lightly go back and forth. If you make a couple coats it will come out evenly and won't drip. Make sure you get the sticks as well.

Adding the Details

Once you've given the spray paint a chance to dry you can add the details. I just used some basic craft acrylic paint, shading in the doors messily and adding writing to the sign. The "Public Call" part on the top is the most difficult, but if you have a little brush and a little patience you can do it.

Attaching the String

The next thing you need is the attachment string. Cut a piece of kite string about 42 inches long and tie to the bottom and top corners of the kite. Measure about 10 inches down from the top of the string and tie a loop. This is where you attach the rest of the string. It's nice to get a little clip, or you can just slip-not it on.

Fly It!

tardis kite!!.jpg
Now, go take your kite out on a windy day and enjoy it!

This first kite I made flew pretty well (I made it about six months ago). The plastic has since gotten damaged in the many trips to and from the beach, so it doesn't fly as steadily. I am currently working on one made with ripstop nylon, and hope that will last longer! Let me know what you used and how it worked!